RandyCandles - Information - page 33

Hmm, I chose this one. Almost 90 pips.......


Unfortunately.....I'm working and can only check my charts periodically.

Missed that one but still....just closed out my third position for a total scalp gain of 23 pips in 40 minutes or so......not bad!!


Excellent- Hats off to everyone. There is definetly a strong correlation to the DOW avg. and /or Bonds to the carry trade/ EURYEN

Greed is Good!


Lastlty for now, thanks again Mr. Radatats for making my charts a thing of beauty. You're totally "Rad" bro

I took the 12:30 gmt trade and called it a day. It's more fun to banter with Turd, I mean Todd . LOL.... Next week, I'm going to commit to 5 hours of trading per day instead of 5 hours of per week. Chris-I hope you can give up that job soon.

Me too. Got to have ducks in a row first. Like insurance for my daughter and the like. And I am still new at this.


Just a tad confused Summitfx

Hi Summitfx, Itguy and Radatats,

When placing a trade, is the small alert candle the first thing to look for and then to look to see what the other indicators are doing. Or is it what the indicators are doing and then what the alert candle is doing.

I truly am looking at the vasrious charts that folks have posted and all of them can be mis read by me if I was to try and make a trade at the same time as you all did if I don't know what I am looking for.

One minute i think I get it then I'm totally lost.

Any help would be welcomed.

I made 3 trades today using this method..(or what I think is this method)... -12 pips +6 pips + 4 pips. I missed the big ride down on e/j...had to work my regular job.

I took the 12:30 gmt trade and called it a day. It's more fun to banter with Turd, I mean Todd . LOL.... Next week, I'm going to commit to 5 hours of trading per day instead of 5 hours of per week. Chris-I hope you can give up that job soon.

I'm checking out for while Vegas but I just pulled up a chart of the EURYEN and there you go. It based at .85 for a reason and then went up. Those aren't daytraders that stopped it at .85- know what I mean--2 Trillion a day

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Please Don't pollute this thread.

I took the 12:30 gmt trade and called it a day. It's more fun to banter with Turd, I mean Todd . LOL.... Next week, I'm going to commit to 5 hours of trading per day instead of 5 hours of per week. Chris-I hope you can give up that job soon.


Another 6 pips...cool shit...Just testing the waters...then once I get the hang of it the next step will be to know when to make the proper exits.



Can anyone explain what Randy means by a reversal bar, chilli pepper and hanging zorro ? I've looked in the word doc but couldn't find a clear defintion - many thanks !



This link will take you to the posts of GoldenEquity who first came up with the Randy Candle concept.

Hope that helps.

HAS Indicator - Another Method for Entering Midway - Page 12

Can anyone explain what Randy means by a reversal bar, chilli pepper and hanging zorro ? I've looked in the word doc but couldn't find a clear defintion - many thanks !