FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 5


That is great , thanks again to take the time to post the links, and thanks so much again to iGoR


hi igor, thank you very much for your system.. i am now trying to learn.. since i am not good in english especially in listening, read is more better... i would like to ask will you take the trade on 30 Sep USD/CHF on 7:45a.m.GMT?

coz i have take that trade while slow and fast slope direction is good, and the execution and singnal line are yellow and green, is there any suggestion to prevent that trade? thanks a lot!

also thx creztor for recording the audio file..

Latest audio file is here. 7 hours today guys, great info in there and 2nd half includes another complete walk through/explanation of the entire setup so if you are late and have questions this is another good day to listen to, especially towards the end if you are unsure on risk, exits etc. Again a big thank you to Igor for taking his time, 20+ hours here to explain again again again and give plenty of examples. I hope everyone, even those who for whatever reason dont like the setup, is very grateful for what he is trying to do.




Thank you very much for making it possible to the ones that cannot be in the paltalk.


hi igor, thank you very much for your system.. i am now trying to learn.. since i am not good in english especially in listening, read is more better... i would like to ask will you take the trade on 30 Sep USD/CHF on 7:45a.m.GMT?

coz i have take that trade while slow and fast slope direction is good, and the execution and singnal line are yellow and green, is there any suggestion to prevent that trade? thanks a lot!

also thx creztor for recording the audio file..

Would help if I could, not sure what year that is? 30th Sept 2005? Mabye join the chat room again sometime and ask others in there.

One day of class left people, Friday. For those interested I would download the sound files, listen and then join us on Friday for the last day.


hi creztor,

oops.. sry, typing error, should be 20 sept 2006....



Here is a brief explanation of range and how it should be used in regards to your analysis of s/l and how far a trend has run so far. A few people including myself needed some help clarifying it and Igor was kind enough to do so For those interested you can still join us in paltalk and Igor will be doing his last presentation tomorrow.




For those looking to get started and need a single and short as possible audio file which explains everything please use this one. The other files are still I think very good to listen to, but to learn the setup of the system and what indicators/stop loss/exit strategy and everything else to get started please listen to this file first. Igor will no longer be explaining the system setup so it is vital you at least listen to this file before joining us Friday for the last session Igor will be holding.





For those who missed the first session today here is a sound recording. Warning the file is about 55Meg in size and goes for 6 hours. I used .wma for file format as it offered the best size/quality. For anyone just starting out or still very new, there is some great info here in this first day, just get ready to sit through 6 hours of class

P.S: For those who havent listened to the quick intro/guide audio file I would do this first.





For those looking to get started and need a single and short as possible audio file which explains everything please use this one. The other files are still I think very good to listen to, but to learn the setup of the system and what indicators/stop loss/exit strategy and everything else to get started please listen to this file first. Igor will no longer be explaining the system setup so it is vital you at least listen to this file before joining us Friday for the last session Igor will be holding.





Ur mysharefile does not work. Plz update it



And finally here.


Shrunk and should work.