10points 3.mq4 - page 296


Which release are you using? Can you post the trade log also?

Which Pair and What Timeframe?

thank you...

10points3.mq4  10 kb
1.set  3 kb

I haven't checked out this thread for ages but it looks like some interesting progress has been made!

@xpsuperuser, you seem to have hit on a nice 'sweetspot' with those presets you posted, well done. On a 50k account, 'i10point3' kills it within a few trades when using the original settings...

Also, I'm curious as to what your Modelling Quality was for that test and where you sourced the data - I presume post get it through MT itself now? I tested GBPUSD over the exact same timeperiod with 89.96% modelling quality and achieved the equity curve below. Very nice result but I am just wondering why there are obvious differences from the one you posted.

I am constantly underwhelmed by the MT backtester results...


to get the same results as me, you must do the following things in MT4

here the link:

MT4 Backtesting Threads

then you must also update the history data with the download button in the history options in MT4.

byee xp

to get the same results as me, you must do the following things in MT4

here the link:

MT4 Backtesting Threads

then you must also update the history data with the download button in the history options in MT4.

byee xp

I appreciate the response. However I have been using MT for several years now and am well versed in the backtesting procedure. Also, my modelling quality (89.96%) indicated that my data did not account for the decrepancy - afterall, you cannot get higher than 90% without using tick data.

However out of curiousity, I deleted the entire GBPUSD data cache and downloaded 'fresh' data - below is the equity curve. While the details were not dollar-identical (very close though), the equity curve is virtually identical to my previous backtest.

Please don't mis-understand, I am not questioning your results, I am more interested in verifying whether MT returns identical results (or at least very similar) when users are using identical data/period/presets.

On that, I would be grateful if others would post their equity curves using xpsuperuser's setting and timeperiod for GBPUSD - please specify the modelling quality, if it's not 89-90% you know you are doing something wrong!

Afterall, while it may not 'prove' these results would be replicated in real-life, it would give an indication about the dependability of the MT Backtester.
