Traders joking, the beginning - page 346

Google announced last night that it will launch a new security feature to make it harder for situations like the NSA spying program to happen in the future. Then they went back to driving around and taking pictures of the street you live on.
When Obama meets with the G-7 leaders it must be fun for him to put faces to the voices he hears on the wiretaps.
In an interview with “Meet the Press,” former President Jimmy Carter said he won’t send emails because he believes the NSA is reading them. And also because he can’t find the “send” button on his typewriter.


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Customs officials in Europe recently seized a shipment of cocaine that was addressed to the Vatican. Which can only mean that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford just received a giant box of communion wafers.


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There's a new website that helps you write elaborate works of personalized fiction. It's called

Thats funny