Traders joking, the beginning - page 232


"The poisoning was apparently unrelated to the case of reputed gangster Bulger" - he was just poisoned for the heck of it!...Silly me...I thought he was murdered, for being a witness to a crime!...

Suspect in Mass. poisoning pleads not guilty


Funny unitentional headlines



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Mayor Filner now wants the city of San Diego to pay for his sexual harassment lawsuit. He says it's only fair because he harassed women only on government time, never his own time.


They are looking for cigarets replacements - or better said : taxes that are lost since it is proven that cigarets are killing you


Lindsey Lohan got out of rehab, and she wants to move to New York City. Authorities are advising citizens to stay indoors.


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In what has to be the most outrageous defense ever — this is real — Filner's lawyer said if there's any liability, it's the city liable for failing to give the mayor sexual harassment training. Oh, come on now. Just shut up!