Harmonic Trading - page 213


zzz & zp


they both repaint...but zz_p is more reliable than zzzz, but only if you customize the settings.

I got this one but still looking for that "zzzzz"

[6] zzzzz . levels of +80 and -80 This indicator available from forex-tsd, Harmonic Trading

zz_p.mq4  8 kb
zzzzz.mq4  5 kb

Thanks a lot Etechy. I'll keep that in mind.


FeedBack Method

Hi every body,

I want to post letting all of you know I Found a great feed back method. We all know the clarity20/20 of hindsight in tradable markets and in life.

Someone mentioned last week that they were interested in screen shots of the zup indicator(which is the only indicator you really need).

So, when Wazzuvius mentioned this I remembered reading in the zup material that screen shot are the best type of feed back. I new this already although had not really explored its use.

I found, through my Gmail account on google, That they have Google PICASA2. Picasa2 allows you to view pictures and organize them for upload to google web albums for public or private viewing(with or without password). The really cool part is when you have the screen shots on your hard drive and your viewing them in Picasa2 you can scroll through your screenshots, if you have a roller scroll button its even better. When you scroll though your screen shots it is like a little movie of the market movements.

I have uploaded pretty many screen shots of imrans system and those that have the Zup73 and zup73/zup71 tpl there aswell.Many of you probably already do this, but, I have learned a thousand time more in a few days than I have in weeks and I want to share how cool Picas2 is and want to share it with all of you so you too can see what I mean by little movie.

I especially think this movie style feedback vital to learning Zup because once the market move forward you can not recreate what the Zup does.

If you do try checking out my web albums you will have to get Picasa2 and you might have to get a gmail email account And you can scroll through this screenshots faster if you download the screenshots. I realize you all might already have similair programs to scroll through pics I just want to share what I learned.

I have screenshots of 5m-Imrans, 5m,15m,30m,60m,240m,daily and weekly(one or two) charts screenshots of GBP/JPY and gold there. I tried to keep the screenshots consistant but there not all perfect. But, there are some incredible feedback here.

Thanks everybody

Pipimintpatie AKA MoneyJunkie

Picasa Web Albums - Pipimint

want to add that if anyone trys to get gmail and they tell you that you need a invite to gmail just private message me and i will try to invite you. I have never invited any one and i don't know if they require an invite now a days but if they do i 'll get you in there if I can.Thanks again everyboby.

Also, you can set picas2 to search specific locations or folders when it is on.It's like picas2 was made with screenshots and traders in mind,hence, picture viewing.When I take a sceen shot and save it, when picasa2 is on, a little window shoots out from the edge of the screen notifying picasa recieved the photo or screenshot. Just want to mention that with the Zup indicators,I noticed that even if there is no pattern being diplayed that almost every sigle time the price touches key ratios to previous prices that the price instanly changes directions. I have been able to enter trades way ahead of time and I use Imran's system as comformation. The 15m and 30m with the Zup are very powerful regarding there ratios. In a very short time with proper feedback like what I'm sharing now you wil instantly recognise thes ratios as you becume farmilair withem and the key ratios are highlighted automatically by the zup. Go slowly through my screen shots and you will see how powerfull these ratios are and trust them and you will be in trades that will blow your minds.

"Where feedback flows, intelligence grows"



Whats up Zup

HI everybody, I am new to this thread and I intend on reading back over the last couple weeks to see what happen.

I am curious, what happen, I mean what makes him a thread killer and how does this reciprocate an ethics issue?

Anyway, I hope this thread remains as good as I think it is, either way, if there is a new thread... someone let me know. I have been "kramming" every moment for months and only recently discovered this Forum and thread about a week ago. Thanks to all of you who are resposible, dedicated particpants.


"Where feedback flows Intelligence grows"



Ethan Hunt:
New version of ZUP v76

Thanks Ethan.

Nen just keeps going and going. Thank you Nen for continuing to improve the already great ZUP Collection.

.....I have just finished setting up the ZUP 75 on my Platform. and now I see ZUP 76.

But really..... this is GREAT.



Need Help: Confused now

Hi, I'm learning harmonic patterns now. Recently I read the book , but the pattern diagram is differnt from the current diagram.

You can see the following pictures. The left one is copied from book. The right one is got from the HarmonicTrader.com.

I'm confused that which one should I use, because they use different parameters.

Could anyone help me?


untitled.jpg  19 kb

filtering the false signal.

im using bollinggerband to filter the pattern from indic whether it is worthed to be trade or not. im using default setting zup73version for 5Minutes euro/usd chart. Any suggestion for the setting?...becouse i saw a lot of whipsaw here .


hardware requirment

i put ZORRO template and zup73 indic in my chart. its becomes so slow...what exactly hardware requirment for those indic?

rightnow im using P4 processor and 418(?)ram .


harmonic patterns EA

Has there ever been an EA created on any of the Harmony 05,06 indicators or possibly the ZUP EA?

i put ZORRO template and zup73 indic in my chart. its becomes so slow...what exactly hardware requirment for those indic? rightnow im using P4 processor and 418(?)ram .

Goto Tools>Options (Press Ctrl-O.)

Select 'Charts' tab.

Max bars in history =1000

Max bars in chart =1000

Anything more, u can let CPU work overtime.