Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 405


timeframe TDI merging

Hey guys, hey Mladen,

as some of you use the TDI as a Signal provider I came across the TDI Alert System, as seen below (I just gives a signal or even EMail Alert when a cross in the TDI is happening). Probably this is nothing new. As it is more safe to trade the TDI with at least two timeframes (60min as basis, 5min for scalping) , I am asking if the following is possible:What I want is merge signals of at least two different timeframes to give me an overall more reliable signal: The larger timeframe is used as a basis, up or down gives the direction for the smaller one(s). If the same signal appears on the smaller timeframe, thats a trade; the trade is exited on the exit signal only depending on the smaller timeframe.

So here is the indicator I am talking about creating signals; what do you guys think or was something similar already posted?

Hey guys, hey Mladen,

as some of you use the TDI as a Signal provider I came across the TDI Alert System, as seen below (I just gives a signal or even EMail Alert when a cross in the TDI is happening). Probably this is nothing new. As it is more safe to trade the TDI with at least two timeframes (60min as basis, 5min for scalping) , I am asking if the following is possible:What I want is merge signals of at least two different timeframes to give me an overall more reliable signal: The larger timeframe is used as a basis, up or down gives the direction for the smaller one(s). If the same signal appears on the smaller timeframe, thats a trade; the trade is exited on the exit signal only depending on the smaller timeframe.

So here is the indicator I am talking about creating signals; what do you guys think or was something similar already posted?

Will post the indicator in a second...

FxTrendsTrader Here you go

Dear Mladen

Would it be possible for you to add 'Coloring on Slope' in this indicator

Thanks in advance


Will post the indicator in a second...

Heart attack....?...

Heart attack....?...

Nope no heart attack: Heres the code, just copy it and create the indicator, cant find the file


Name: xTDI-Arrow.mq4

Copyright ?2010, Xaphod, Forex Whiz

Description: - Draws arrows for the TDI crosses

- Provides alerts for crossovers of the above three lines.

Change log:

2010-10-19. Xaphod, v1.00

- Initial Release


// Indicator properties

#property copyright "Copyright ? 2010, Xaphod"

#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 4

#property indicator_color1 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color2 Red

#property indicator_color3 Green

#property indicator_color4 FireBrick

#property indicator_width1 1

#property indicator_width2 1

#property indicator_width3 1

#property indicator_width4 1

#property indicator_maximum 1

#property indicator_minimum 0

// Constant definitions

#define INDICATOR_NAME "xTDI-Arrow"

#define INDICATOR_VERSION "v1.00"

#define BAR_HEIGHT 1.00

#define TDI_INDI "Traders_Dynamic_Index"

#define ARROW_THIN_UP 225

#define ARROW_THIN_DN 226

#define ARROW_THICK_UP 233

#define ARROW_THICK_DN 234

#define ARROW_HOLLOW_UP 241

#define ARROW_HOLLOW_DN 242

#define ARROW_ROUND_UP 221

#define ARROW_ROUND_DN 222

// Indicator parameters

extern string Indi.Copyright= "?2010,";

extern string Indi.Version= INDICATOR_VERSION;

extern string Show.Settings="????????????????????????????????????";

extern int Show.TimeFrame=0; // Timeframe to use. Current Timeframe=0.

extern bool Show.MarketBaseLine=true; // Show cross above/below market baseline in a different color

extern int Show.ArrowType=0; // 0=Thin, 1=Thick, 2=Hollow, 3=Round

extern int Show.ArrowSize=1; // Size of arrow (1-5)

extern int Show.ArrowOffset=10; // Offset from end of candle to show arrow

extern string TDI.Settings="????????????????????????????????????";

extern int TDI.RSIPeriod = 13; // Period. Recomended values: 8-25

extern int TDI.RSIPrice = 0; // 0=CLOSE, 1=OPEN, 2=HIGH, 3=LOW, 4=MEDIAN, 5=TYPICAL, 6=WEIGHTED

extern int TDI.VolatilityBand = 34; // Recomended values: 20-40

extern int TDI.RSIPriceLine = 2; // Period

extern int TDI.RSIPriceType = 0; // 0=SMA, 1=EMA, 2=SSMA, 3=LWMA

extern int TDI.TradeSignalLine = 7; // Period

extern int TDI.TradeSignalType = 0; // 0=SMA, 1=EMA, 2=SSMA, 3=LWMA

extern string Alert.Settings="????????????????????????????????????";

extern bool Alert.RSIPriceLine=true; // Alert if RSI price crosses Signal line. Green crosses red.

extern bool Alert.MarketBaseLine=true; // Alert if RSI price crosses Signal line & market base line. Green crosses red and yellow

extern bool Alert.NewBarOnly=true; // True=Alert when new bar is opened. False=Alert anytime lines cross

extern int Alert.Timeout=60; // Deactivate alerts for N seconds after an alert. Only when Alert.NewBarOnly=false

extern bool Alert.Popup=true; // Popup window & sound on alert

extern bool Alert.Email=false; // Send email on alert

// Global module varables

double dBuffer0[];

double dBuffer1[];

double dBuffer2[];

double dBuffer3[];

bool bStartup;

void SetArrowType(int& iArrowUp, int& iArrowDn) {

switch (Show.ArrowType) {

case 1: // Thin




case 2: // Hollow




case 3: // Round




default: // Thick







// function: init()

// Description: Custom indicator initialization function.


int init() {

int iArrowUp;

int iArrowDn;

string sType;

string sTF;

SetArrowType(iArrowUp, iArrowDn );




SetIndexArrow(0, iArrowUp);




SetIndexArrow(1, iArrowDn);




SetIndexArrow(2, iArrowUp);




SetIndexArrow(3, iArrowDn);

if (Show.TimeFrame==0)




IndicatorShortName(INDICATOR_NAME+" "+sTF);





// function: deinit()

// Description: Custom indicator deinitialization function.


int deinit() {

return (0);



// function: start()

// Description: Custom indicator iteration function.


int start() {

int iNewBars;

int iCountedBars;

int i;

double dVBHighLine; // Upper volatility band - Upper Blue line

double dVBLowLine; // Lower volatility band - Lower Blue line

double dMarketBaseLine0; // Market Base Line - Yellow line

double dRSIPriceLine0; // RSI PriceLine - Green line

double dTradeSignalLine0; // Trade Signal Line - Red line

static double dMarketBaseLine1; // Market Base Line - Yellow line

static double dRSIPriceLine1; // RSI PriceLine - Green line

static double dTradeSignalLine1; // Trade Signal Line - Red line

double dOffset;

// Get unprocessed ticks


if(iCountedBars < 0) return (-1);

if(iCountedBars>0) iCountedBars--;


for(i=iNewBars; i>=0; i--) {

// Get previous TDI data

//if (Time!=tCurTime) {




TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,2,i+1); // Yellow line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,4,i+1); // Green line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,5,i+1); // Red line


// Get current TDI Data


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,2,i); // Yellow line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,4,i); // Green line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,5,i); // Red line

// Clear current display buffer

dBuffer0 = EMPTY_VALUE;

dBuffer1 = EMPTY_VALUE;

dBuffer2 = EMPTY_VALUE;

dBuffer3 = EMPTY_VALUE;


if (dRSIPriceLine0>dMarketBaseLine0 && dRSIPriceLine1dTradeSignalLine0 && Show.MarketBaseLine)

dBuffer0 = Low-dOffset;

else if (dRSIPriceLine0>dTradeSignalLine0 && dRSIPriceLine1<dTradeSignalLine1)

dBuffer2 = Low-dOffset;

if (dRSIPriceLine0dMarketBaseLine1 && dRSIPriceLine0<dTradeSignalLine0 && Show.MarketBaseLine)

dBuffer1 = High+dOffset;

else if (dRSIPriceLine0dTradeSignalLine1)

dBuffer3 = High+dOffset;

// Check for alerts

if (i==0) AlertCheck();


// Reset startup flag

if (bStartup) bStartup=false;

// Bye bye





// function: TF2Str()

// Description: Convert time-frame to a string


string TF2Str(int iPeriod) {

switch(iPeriod) {

case PERIOD_M1: return("M1");

case PERIOD_M5: return("M5");

case PERIOD_M15: return("M15");

case PERIOD_M30: return("M30");

case PERIOD_H1: return("H1");

case PERIOD_H4: return("H4");

case PERIOD_D1: return("D1");

case PERIOD_W1: return("W1");

case PERIOD_MN1: return("MN1");

default: return("M"+iPeriod);




// function: AlertCheck()

// Description: Check for alert conditions and perform alerts


void AlertCheck() {

string sAlertMsg;

static datetime tCurTime=0;

static int iAlertTimer[2];

static int iAlertStatus[2];

double dMarketBaseLine[2]; // Market Base Line - Yellow line

double dRSIPriceLine[2]; // RSI PriceLine - Green line

double dTradeSignalLine[2]; // Trade Signal Line - Red line

int i,j;

bool bNewBar=false;

// Abort if indicator just started up

if (bStartup) {




// Check for alerts

if (Alert.RSIPriceLine || Alert.MarketBaseLine) {

// Alert if newbar only

if (Alert.NewBarOnly) {

// Reset Time

if(tCurTime!=Time[0]) {



// Get TDI Data on new bar, ie bar 1 and 2

for (i=0; i<2; i++) {



TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,2,j); // Yellow line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,4,j); // Green line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,5,j); // Red line

} //endfor



else {

// Get TDI Data on current bar, ie bar 0 and 1

for (i=0; i<2; i++) {


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,2,i); // Yellow line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,4,i); // Green line


TDI.RSIPriceType,TDI.TradeSignalLine,TDI.TradeSignalType,5,i); // Red line

} //endfor

} //end if(Alert.NewBarOnly)

if (bNewBar || (!Alert.NewBarOnly && iAlertTimer[0]<GetTickCount())) {

//Alert RSIPriceLine > TradeSignalLine

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]>dTradeSignalLine[0] && dRSIPriceLine[1]<dTradeSignalLine[1] && Alert.RSIPriceLine) {

if (!Alert.NewBarOnly) iAlertTimer[0]=GetTickCount()+Alert.Timeout*1000;

sAlertMsg="TDI Alert - "+Symbol()+" "+TF2Str(Period())+": RSIPriceLine Above TradeSignalLine.";

if (Alert.Popup) Alert(sAlertMsg);

if (Alert.Email) SendMail( sAlertMsg, "MT4 Alert!\n" + TimeToStr(TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS )+"\n"+sAlertMsg);

} //end if

//Alert RSIPriceLine < TradeSignalLine

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]dTradeSignalLine[1] && Alert.RSIPriceLine) {

//PrintD("RSIPriceLine < TradeSignalLine");

if (!Alert.NewBarOnly) iAlertTimer[0]=GetTickCount()+Alert.Timeout*1000;

sAlertMsg="TDI Alert - "+Symbol()+" "+TF2Str(Period())+": RSIPriceLine Below TradeSignalLine.";

if (Alert.Popup) Alert(sAlertMsg);

if (Alert.Email) SendMail( sAlertMsg, "MT4 Alert!\n" + TimeToStr(TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS )+"\n"+sAlertMsg);

} //end if

} //end if

if (bNewBar || (!Alert.NewBarOnly && iAlertTimer[1]<GetTickCount())) {

//Alert if RSIPriceLine > TradeSignalLine && dMarketBaseLine

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]>dMarketBaseLine[0] && dRSIPriceLine[1]<dMarketBaseLine[1] && Alert.MarketBaseLine) {

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]>dTradeSignalLine[0] && dRSIPriceLine[1]<dTradeSignalLine[1]) {

if (!Alert.NewBarOnly) iAlertTimer[1]=GetTickCount()+Alert.Timeout*1000;

sAlertMsg="TDI Alert - "+Symbol()+" "+TF2Str(Period())+": RSIPriceLine Above TradeSignalLine and MarketBaseLine.";

if (Alert.Popup) Alert(sAlertMsg);

if (Alert.Email) SendMail( sAlertMsg, "MT4 Alert!\n" + TimeToStr(TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS )+"\n"+sAlertMsg);

} //end if

} //end if

//Alert if RSIPriceLine < TradeSignalLine && dMarketBaseLine

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]dMarketBaseLine[1] && Alert.MarketBaseLine) {

if (dRSIPriceLine[0]dTradeSignalLine[1] ) {

if (!Alert.NewBarOnly) iAlertTimer[1]=GetTickCount()+Alert.Timeout*1000;

sAlertMsg="TDI Alert - "+Symbol()+" "+TF2Str(Period())+": RSIPriceLine Below TradeSignalLine and MarketBaseLine.";

if (Alert.Popup) Alert(sAlertMsg);

if (Alert.Email) SendMail( sAlertMsg, "MT4 Alert!\n" + TimeToStr(TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS )+"\n"+sAlertMsg);

} //end if

} //end if

} //end if

}//end if(Alert.RSIPriceLine || Alert.MarketBaseLine)



ALERT: I split the code in two parts because of the 10k policy; so just copy both parts in one and create the indicator!


Ok guys here you go, sorry for all the formulas!

tdi-2.mq4  4 kb

Wrong one Just copied the right code into another one, overwrote an old one, compiled it and the file is still using the old code?! Dont get it; anyhow the code is correct

Wrong one Just copied the right code into another one, overwrote an old one, compiled it and the file is still using the old code?! Dont get it; anyhow the code is correct

The code I posted before....


Have a Vista Version on my old Laptop here, thats why mq4 files keep disappearing; now it should work!

tdi-2.mq4  4 kb