Astro... - page 6




please,send me Gann courses and Patrick Mikula's book on PDF to me e-mail

gogu2005m@yahoo com.

thank you


Pluto has some mass in this he has some effect...but more inportant is that he is discovered at a special he get a meaning in this time.....and he get an symbolic meaning in this time...and that is the value of pluto............if then some scientiest come and say no this is like this and this is like that is a ignorant behavier on the level of the symbolic language.........

....a discovery 1000 or 3000 years ago is not less important than a modern scientific discovery..if you think the human understanding is an up or down equity curve and move from 0 to 100.... than its not like this. a cosmology 1000 years old can hold more knoledge than a book from steven hawking................

I'm earnestly asking you, what's so special on the time Pluto was discovered? Pluto was discovered 79 years ago, in 1930. Even Neptune and Uranus were discovered only about 160 and 230 years ago, not thousands of years in the past.

3000 years ago humans thought, Earth is flat and the center of the universe. Is this the kind of knowledge, you want to believe in?

You wrote: "Pluto has some mass in the universe".

You know, the mass of all planets, moons etc. combined is only 1% of our sun's mass and our sun is only 1/1,900,000,000,000 times the mass of our galaxy and our galaxy is only... - one could go on and on. The gravitational pull of our neighboring planets is ridiculous, infinitesimally tiny! Even Jupiter, our 'vacuum cleaner', which is 2.5 times as massive as all of the other planets in our Solar System combined, has LESS gravitational influence on you than a person standing in front of you! That's the truth! Maybe we should take a passing car or plane into account too, the next time, since they have more influence than any other planet.

And why take the tiny Pluto into account, but not Eris, which is larger than Pluto? And what's with all the other, hundreds of large Kuiper Belt objects? Or large moons like Titan and Ganymede, which are even larger than Mercury (a real planet).

The selection of objects taking into account sounds pretty illogical and random. So how can astrology trading work, if it's standing on such a random foundation. Or is it just the pleasure to gamble?



hello Maldoror

Yes you are right in your arguments... But the problem, like i see it, is the frame of looking.. if you read "H.Maturana" you get a clear description of the language of science.. and that the language determine your view....

The point which you ignored in my above explanation...was the point of symbolic understanding...which is the only opportunity that the human beeing can understand and discribe the world and himself. As Pluto was discoverd it got meaning from the human mind...........this is a symbolic meaning (language).....its not important if the radiation of the mass move your right food....(which is also true, but not important now) there is something in the human experience where pluto took the place for........its a symbol.....and through this it get meaning and also an effect...............

And from an astological standpoint of view the earth is the center of the universe...thats the right view...because the planets are projected on the earth surface......and the earth is in that case the symbol of the human.......

So there would be no sense of astrology, which try to clear this connection between heaven and earth...between heaven and human........thats what astrology do-try to get an explanation how the human relates to heaven.......and in that case the earth is the center of the universe.....because it wants to define the relation of cosmos and human beeing.

if you now come and say oh this is old-the earth turn around the sun and this old stuff has no meaning anymore...of course its true the earth turn arround the sun, but this means not this old knowledge and language has no meaning anymore...............if you say this than you aslo would say the search for meaning of how is the human related to the cosmos has no meaning.....and maybe you remeber the human being look since beginnin of time to the sky.......all cultures all human did and they searched for meaning and sense in it.............

so short what i want to say is not mix different languages which define a different universe of meaning.......

and that is what you do.. you dont understand the old meaning and you want to mix it with modern scientific proof....and this dont work.......

all the best lodol

PS:if you think that the only knowledge of the past is that earth was seen as flat than you dont know much about cultures and cosmologies. The western world think that they are only one ---the only story of the human beeing and they think that psychlogical knoledge start with Freud or something like this. But this is only one story part of the human race. All cultures devolped an own psychological and cosmological knowledge in which they could move and understand.....




i have made an indicator acording to planetary position, but for now i don't know how to use it.

If you have an idee..

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test databases


i have made an indicator acording to planetary position, but for now i don't know how to use it.

If you have an idee..

Please be so kind to attach it,if admins allow you to do so ,and try to give an explanation about what the lines mean(from their look they are planetary lines in degrees)

I am intrigued by both sides of pro Astro and against Astro,I believe that rigoruous testing is of the essence and that both accepting or rejecting astro as a trading tool ,without previous testing, is not very rational.

As an example of some Astro that is at work now,if you take the highs in the Yen(lows in GJ,UJ,EJ,AJ..etc),you will see that they are approx 30 degrees apart,of a particular planetary configuration ...for USD and EUR highs and lows the 90 degrees separation has been working fairly well,etc,etc...I am not saying that this is the way to trade currencies,just that this is intriguing enough to be testable.

Additionally,what could be the rationales for astro working?Well,mainly 2,first one is the "gravity theory"proclaimed by M Taylor(btw Nobel prize nominee)which basically postulates that gravity affects investors mood and hence,basically we willl be affected mainly by the Moon and the Sun...second is the "electromagnetic storms,sunspots"theory which basically claims that planetary positions and orbits affect the Sun(statistically, there is a very high level of correlation between planetary positions and solar flare activities )and the sun electromagnetic activity affects our moods...

To test the first theory one can just check the tides levels,both short term and long term and compare with some particular market or the Dow Jones,for example,with tides levels at Willett point (New York) ..those who do test it will get a few interesting eye opening tips about the workings of our world...

To test the second theory,one should chek for databases of past solar activity(NASA?) And try to correlate them with market movements,and then test statistical validity of those correlations with a good stat or datamining package.

If somebody is interested in doing so,just tell me,I can do the statistical tests,so,I just need very detailed databases..






did u use that NN for trading ? What do u think about its performance ?


Forex Indicators Collection


The NN has not been developed yet for astro I know there is a number of Excel NN programs on the market.


Could be interesting to back test/compare hi/lo in forex market with astro indicator. But a total neophyte in astrology as me would need some briefing in the possible usage of the indi. I wonder that if indi proven to have value, would you still let it go for free?

Beware, some bully will make fun of it. But very serious people won't.

I read somewhere: millionaires does not use astrology, billionaires do. J.P. Morgan.


There is already a program called neural hit of which has been withdrawn from the market due to its success, My idea is that markets top and bottoms represent some kind of planetary alignment, NN can help in recognizing these patterns.


Astro Neural Networks Excel


I would like advise on developing a Astro Neural Network indicator that can be displayed within Metatrader. What is the best way to go about it? My thoughts are

1, Astro ephemeris engine ----> Excel ------> Metatrader

Astro engine will provide all planetary data, Excel will calculate indicator using Neural networks. Indicator will then be displayed in metatrader. Which then can be used for system trading

I'm I on the right track

Thanks in advance

See attached Astro Engine. Further engine examples can be found at /programs/



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