Discussion of article "3D Modeling in MQL5"


New article 3D Modeling in MQL5 has been published:

A time series is a dynamic system, in which values of a random variable are received continuously or at successive equally spaced points in time. Transition from 2D to 3D market analysis provides a new look at complex processes and research objects. The article describes visualization methods providing 3D representation of two-dimensional data.

On financial markets, 3D modeling can be used for example to provide a three-dimensional representation of time series. A time series is a dynamic system, in which values of a random variable are received continuously or at successive equally spaced points in time (ticks, bars, fractals, etc.) In this article, we will consider the three-dimensional visualization of time series and indicators (See Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Examples of three-dimensional representation of time series.

Fig. 1. Examples of three-dimensional representation of time series.

Author: Sergey Pavlov