
Export Summary Grouped by Trading Days (MT4) MetaTrader 4のため

The script exports summary of closed trades grouped by each trading day to .csv file

s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols) MetaTrader 4のため

The script downloads the historical quotes data of a single timeframe for all symbols in the market watch

Math Utils (MT4) MetaTrader 4のため

Handy functions for comparison, rounding, formatting and debugging of doubles (prices, lots and money)

Export Summary Grouped by Symbols (MT4) MetaTrader 4のため

The script exports summary of closed trades grouped by each currency pair to .csv file

Balance Graph HTML (MT4) MetaTrader 4のため

Display interactive HTML graph of the account balance inside the web browser

Export Positions History MetaTrader 5のため


s-Downloader (SingleTF) MetaTrader 4のため

The script downloads the historical quotes data of the current chart symbol and timeframe

INIファイル MetaTrader 5のため


数学ユーティリティ MetaTrader 5のため


IEEE浮動小数点デコーダ MetaTrader 5のため
