Version 25.203
Description of the TrailingStart Parameter
What does TrailingStart do?
The TrailingStart parameter defines the activation level of the trailing stop based on the price movement relative to the trade's entry price.
If TrailingStart > 0, the trailing stop will only start working after the price reaches a certain number of profit points from the entry price.
If TrailingStart = 0, its value is replaced by TrailingStop, and the trailing stop starts working immediately without delay as soon as the position moves into profit.
How TrailingStart Works in the Code
Defining the Value
TrailingStart_level = TrailingStart
If TrailingStart = 0, then TrailingStart_level takes the value of TrailingStop.
Logic for Activating the Trailing Stop
For BUY positions: The trailing stop is activated only after the price has exceeded the entry price by TrailingStart_level points.
For SELL positions: The trailing stop is activated only after the price has dropped below the entry price by TrailingStart_level points.
Validation Before Setting the Stop-Loss
Before setting a new stop-loss, the following conditions are checked:
The price has reached TrailingStart_level from the entry.
The trailing stop conditions are met.
The breakeven (BreakEven) rule is not violated.
Example of TrailingStart in Action
1️⃣ TrailingStart = 100
A BUY position is opened at 1.10000.
The trailing stop does not activate until the price reaches 1.10100.
Once the price is above 1.10100, the trailing stop begins to move the stop-loss along with the price.
2️⃣ TrailingStart = 0 (Automatically Replaced by TrailingStop)
TrailingStop = 500, TrailingStart = 0.
A SELL position is opened at 1.20000.
TrailingStart_level takes the value 500, and the trailing stop immediately starts working after 500 points of profit, without additional delay.
✅ TrailingStart allows delaying the activation of the trailing stop, so it does not trigger immediately but only after the price reaches a specified number of profit points.
✅ If TrailingStart = 0, it is replaced by TrailingStop, and the trailing stop starts working immediately without delay.
✅ This is useful for traders who want to avoid early profit locking and allow the price to move before activating the trailing stop.
Version 25.201
🚀 Added support for the Expforex AI chatbot!
A built-in technical support chat is now available in the terminal for urgent program-related questions.
📌 How does it work?
The chat connects to the main module on our website. For a more detailed response from Expforex AI, please visit our website.
⚠ Attention! Beta version! Some functionality may be temporarily limited.
⚠ Attention! It takes about 5 seconds to connect to the server and receive a response (depending on the quality of your internet connection). If the connection fails, please try again later.
⚠ Attention! In Beta Testing, there are limits on the use of the Expforex AI assistant
🔧 How to set it up?
To ensure the chat works correctly, you need to allow WebRequest for the following URL in the terminal settings:
Open terminal settings → go to the Expert Advisors tab
Enable the option Allow WebRequest for listed URL:
Add the following URL
📌 See the image above for a setup example.
🌍 Language Updates
Several translations have been corrected.
Arabic language: text and symbol direction are now displayed correctly.
If you find any issues, please let us know!
We are excited to introduce new languages to our functionality. Users can now enjoy an even wider range of language options for their convenience and comfort. Here’s the list of newly added languages:
THAI=12 — Thai
INDI=13 — Hindi
MALAY=14 — Malay
INDONEZIA=15 — Indonesian
ARAB=16 — Arabic
VETNAM=17 — Vietnamese
BALKAN=20 — Balkan
POLAND=21 — Polish
CHEZH=22 — Czech
Update your application and enjoy working in your native language! 🌐
-Performance improvements and fixes based on crash logs.
Version 24.991
- Fixed Limiting error in MT5: When closing a position forcibly, the magic number of this transaction is always = 0. Fixed!
- Added output of information to the panel about current Limits if the Clients Limiting losses and profits parameters are enabled and working.
Version 24.990
- Fixed Limiting error in MT5: When closing a position forcibly, the magic number of this transaction is always = 0. Fixed!
- Added output of information to the panel about current Limits if the Clients Limiting losses and profits parameters are enabled and working.
Version 24.988
--New Parametr IfProfTrail:
-If “true”– when the Expert Advisor starts modifying only from the moment the position is installed to the Breakeven (stoploss on the breakeven point) + TrailingStop of profit Point(Pips).
-If “false,” the TrailingStop works right after the position is positioned, and the position is put into profit and pulled after the price.
Version 24.978
--Added Language for links;
--Solution to the problem with downloading advisors from the market. MQL4 Market: failed download product ' ' [500]
--Recompiled in last build of MetaTrader;
Version 24.977
Recompiled in last build of MetaTrader;
Version 24.944
Enabling the default copy pending orders function: input bool PendingOrdersCopy=true; //PendingOrdersCopy --> Copy pending orders from master
Version 24.918
--Enhanced Graphical Interface Translation
We have completely revamped and updated the translations across all elements of the graphical interface. This ensures a more accurate and natural localization, allowing the interface to better reflect the linguistic and cultural nuances of our diverse user base. As a result, interacting with the application is now even more seamless and intuitive, providing a more personalized and comfortable user experience.
--Introduced Informative Tooltips for Panel Elements
To elevate user convenience, we've added descriptive tooltips to various panel components. When you hover over buttons and icons, informative explanations about each element's functionality will appear instantly. This enhancement significantly simplifies navigation and interaction within the application, making it easier for both new and experienced users to utilize all features effectively.
--Resolved Minor Bugs and Boosted Stability
In this update, we've addressed and fixed several minor bugs that were affecting the application's performance. These corrections enhance the overall stability and reliability of the program, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience. By eliminating these small issues, we've laid the groundwork for a more robust and efficient application.
Version 24.911
The issue with copying from 1 master to 1 client with different parameters and magic numbers has been fixed.
For example, you can now successfully copy 1 position multiple times (e.g., 3 times) with different parameters and magic numbers, ensuring each copy is managed individually.
Version 24.807
++++++++++++ NEW Function TimeSecondSlip
- Maximum allowable deviation in open time when copying positions in seconds.
0 – no limit.
This function limits the opening of positions on the client if the current time of the client exceeds the position opening time on the master by more than the TimeSecondSlip seconds. This helps to avoid excessive delays between the master and client position openings.
Attention! The server time difference (GMT) between the master and the client is accounted for automatically. There is no need to add it manually.
Specify the actual maximum time difference between the master and the client, such as 5, 10, or 50 seconds.
For example:
If you set TimeSecondSlip=10, the position will be copied only if the client's time does not differ from the master's time by more than 10 seconds.
If the time between the opening on the master and the current time on the client is significantly different, the Expert Advisor will not open a position.
If TimeSecondSlip=10,
and the MASTER Open time=18:30:15
while the Client Current time=18:30:45,
the position cannot be copied!
++++++++++++ NEW Function SymbolToCopy
- Copy symbols.
The symbols(Currency Pairs) to copy,
empty value - all symbols,
comma-separated list strictly with the symbol name.
For example
If you leave the field blank, all symbols will be copied.
The name of the symbol on the client account.
If the client account has a suffix, then SymbolToCopy must be written with the suffix.
For example:
Master account is: EURUSD,XAUUSD ,
Client account is : eurusd# and gold#
Then SymbolToCopy =eurusd#,gold#
++++++++++++ NEW Function SymbolNOtToCopy
- No to Copy symbols.
The symbols(Currency Pairs) to no copy,
empty value - all symbols can be copied,
comma-separated list strictly with the symbol name.
For example
If you leave the field blank, all symbols will be copied.
Version 24.805
Fixed error with CorrectSLTPbyMaster
Version 24.801
Fixed error in profit/price/time of closed position in notifications.
Fixed INFOBOX error when deleting the EAPADPRO window.
Last build compilation
Version 24.628
The operation of the PendingOrdersCopy and ReverseCopy functions has been optimized
Compilation in build 4423
Version 24.620
Fixed an error in closing positions on netting accounts.
Version 24.617
Rebuild with Metatrader 5 4390
Version 24.606
Fixed: MT5 version. Function ReopenPosAfterClose Fixed the error of duplicate opening of positions.
Added: Display information about enabling the ReopenPosAfterClose function on the EAPADPRO control panel
Compilation in the latest build of the terminal
Version 24.521
Parameter ReopenPosAfterClose, which allows you to monitor again Master positions(deals) and orders that were closed on a stop loss or manually on Client account.
If true, then all Master positions will be again copied to the Client.
If any position of the Client has been closed, the Expert Advisor will repeat (copy ) it.
Our adviser will open closed positions again if the Master position(Deal) is still open.
If false, then if the Client position(Deal) has been closed with Stop Loss or Take Profit, the Expert Advisor will no longer open it.
Only for professionals !!!
It helps to open a position again if it was closed, for example, by trailing stop on the client. But the master is not yet closed this position!
Version 24.514
Version 24.431
Build MetaTrader 5: 4282
Version 24.430
input bool FileErrorPrintToLogs =true; //FileErrorPrintToLogs --> Print file errors in the journal
To track errors in opening a data file (signal delay), a parameter has been added to output errors to the log (Log file)
Disabled by default!
Version 24.423
Added parameter
Slippage --> Maximum price slippage(Deviation) for buy or sell from the requested price
Version 24.422
Added parameter
Slippage --> Maximum price slippage(Deviation) for buy or sell from the requested price
Version 24.417
Global Update EAPADPRO v55 with build 4270
-Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.
-Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.
-Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
---Opening a new trade;
---Closing a deal;
---Modification of a trade;
---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.
-Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
How To set Telegram bot:!tab=comments&page=1&comment=52925811
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";
==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.
-Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
-Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
-Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
-Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
-Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
-Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
-Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
-Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
-Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
Version 24.127
+Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
Version 24.126
+Added warning if the program is not installed on a currency pair chart.
Alert("Please install the program on a currency pair chart (e.g. EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF or USDJPY) for normal functioning of the copying system.");
Alert("If you have a symbol with a suffix, please install the program on the currency pair with a suffix for automatic detection of the suffix. ");
+When the suffix is automatically detected, this suffix will be written to the EAPADPRO panel.
-Fixed output of information about the table of deals to the journal
-Fixed error of copying stopping on the master when deleting all global variables on the master!
-Fixed the Close ALL button on the client.
Version 23.999
EAPADPRO version 46
Version 23.967
Update Modifying function after opening positions
Version 23.913
-Last Build Compilation
Version 23.101
-EAPADPRO v43 (Added new languages)
-Last Build Compilation
Version 22.110
Fixed a bug with drawing objects for new versions of MT5 terminal
Version 21.976
Enabled ReverseCopy support for PendingOrders
Version 21.930
Client MT5
Исправлена ошибка MaxPosBySymbol
Version 21.923
Перекомпиляция в последней версии терминала
Version 21.913
Added an additional check for the number of positions in a series when using the NumberPosbeforeCopy parameter;
Version 21.903
-New Block Clients TPWCM EXTRA SETS Stops when Master Close Pos
When the block is turned ON (true): If the position is closed on the master, the position will not be closed on the client.
Instead, a trailing stop or breakeven is activated on the client at this position, instead of closing on the client,
you have the opportunity to turn on the trailing stop and follow the position further.
Trailing stop settings, in this case, are separate.
And it turns on only when this position is closed on the master.
Note: This feature automatically turns off the ClosePosbyMaster function when turned on.
Version 21.902
-New Block Clients TPWCM EXTRA SETS Stops when Master Close Pos
When the block is turned ON (true): If the position is closed on the master, the position will not be closed on the client.
Instead, a trailing stop or breakeven is activated on the client at this position, instead of closing on the client,
you have the opportunity to turn on the trailing stop and follow the position further.
Trailing stop settings, in this case, are separate.
And it turns on only when this position is closed on the master.
Note: This feature automatically turns off the ClosePosbyMaster function when turned on.
Version 21.612
EAPADPRO v40 update, according to the new rules for using the MQL5 Market
Version 21.413
EAPADPRO v39 Update
Updating information on the chart when redrawing data has been improved.
The table of deals is updated along with the panel update (The data update time is still configurable in the panel settings!)
Version 21.411
MessageBox is replaced with Alert in case of an error in installing an EA for 2 charts in a row!
Attention! For the program to work, you need to install the Copylot Client EA on 1 chart!
It is forbidden to install Copylot Client on 2 charts or more!
Version 21.326
Added MessageBox when starting the copier on 2 charts at the same time!
Version 21.311
Optimization of the code;
Performance improvement;
Version 21.224
- Master: Modification of the "MODIFY ONLY" function, Prohibition of checking the opening of a position if the "MODIFY ONLY" button is pressed on the master.
- Client: Added new parameter
- AdditionalLot: An additional lot that will be added to the main lot.
Allows you to increase or decrease the lot.
Note: You can set both +0.01 values and -0.01 values.
Note: You can use this parameter together with KoefLot, RiskLot.
For instance:
Master lot = 1, AdditionalLot = 0.01, Client lot = 1.01;
Master lot = 1, AdditionalLot = -0.01, Client lot = 0.99;
- Client: When using OIP_Order_Instead_Position and ReverseCopy, the type of pending orders will also be reversed: Buy> SELLSTOP / SELLLIMIT, Sell> BUYSTOP / BUYLIMIT
- Client MT5: Added (transferred from Client MT4 version):
: RiskLotTypetype -> Type of dynamic lot calculation
: CorrectSLTPbyMaster -> Corrects SL / TP dist at different prices
========= Clients MaxPos =========
: MaxPosBySymbol -> Max number of pos per symbol to copy
: MaxOrderBySymbol -> Max number of orders per symbol to copy
: MaxSymboll -> Maximum number of symbols to copy
: NumberPosbeforeCopy -> Copy after a certain number of pos
========= Clients OIP EXTRA SETS Pos to STOP or LIMIT orders =========
: OIP_Order_Instead_Position -> Open Order Instead Positions
: OIP_TypeOrders -> Type of Orders
: OIP_DistanceOIP -> Distance from price
Version 21.211
Added SessionTradeCheck parameter:
Checking trading sessions of the copied symbol before sending a request to the server!
The Expert Advisor checks whether it is possible to trade on this symbol at the current time and trading session.
If it is currently prohibited to trade on the symbol being copied, COPYLOT will not send a request to the server.
Attention! Some brokers may have multiple trading sessions!
If you find that the EA does not copy the Traded Symbol and writes the No Session Time error, you can disable this function!
Version 21.210
Обновление функции торговых сессий..
Version 21.209
Modified function of Trading sessions
Version 21.208
Client MT5: Fixed OnlyLossPips error when entering a positive value.
Version 21.202
- Copylot Client, Checking the possibility of opening positions in trading sessions of some brokers.
Version 20.945
Тест обновление функции ReverseCopy
Version 20.935
Added additional check of tickets when closing a deal ticket / order ticket.
Version 20.926
ProfitCopyOnly and LossCopyOnly can now work together.
Attention! 2 functions can work at the same time!
Those deals are copied that have fulfilled 1 of 2 conditions (Profitable / Unprofitable)
Version 20.925
MT5 - Updated the algorithm for closing deals for Netting accounts.
Attention! INOUT and partial closing are not supported at the moment !!!
The copier can copy the opening / closing of deals only with a fixed lot (with what lot he opened - with such a lot it closes)
Version 20.813
A Magicnumber has been added to the global variables of each ticket, for using several versions of the program with different Magicnumber.
Version 20.812
Important update in Client MT5 version:
Fixed a bug when using several EAs working with one data file, when using different settings and magic numbers.
Version 20.731
Recompile Last Build
Version 20.608
2485 ReBuild
Version 20.510
Correction of the error with lots 0.0001
Version 20.507
New parametr DayToExpiration
DayToExpiration = 0 variable for selecting the expiration date of the pending order when trading on FORTS:
- 0: ORDER_TIME_GTC - No expiration date
- 1: ORDER_TIME_DAY - Expiration of the pending order until the end of the current day
- 2: ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED_DAY - The number of days for the expiration of the pending order. The starting point from the current day.
If you get a Rejected error and when you hover over the order in the history you see this: (incomplete FOK information of the order), Or you have a BCS broker or Open broker, then you need to install:
TypeFilling = ImmediateOrCancel or TypeFilling = Return
DayToExpiration = 1
Version 20.409
Client MT5
-Dynamic Lot Function Algorithm Updated Using RiskLot
-Added RiskRate parameter - the rate of your currency against the dollar.
By default, RiskRate = 0 - means that the adviser will try to find the right course (quotes) in the Market Watch.
In order for the autolot to work adequately with all currency pairs, you need to include "Show all currency pairs" in the Market Watch.
Version 20.319
Version update for MetaTrader 5 and update for working with brokers with a possible lot of 0.005.
For example and Volatility 75.
Version 20.225
Added CNH currency (Chinese Yuan) to Auto Suffix Detection (PreFixSymbol)
Version 20.207
Copylot CLIENT
-- PreFixSymbol function updated for some Symbols.
-- Added function Delay_Seconds_General - Delay in seconds between all adviser requests to the server.
In other words: Each request to the server (opening, closing, modification) will be executed with a delay between each other.
For brokers who are forbidden too frequent requests to the server (a very rare event).
If Delay_Seconds_General = 0, then this function does not work.
Attention! For advanced users only.
Version 20.122
Added block Clients extra Delays delay control when copying positions from the master account!
This unit sets the delay between the opening positions in seconds/points!
Delay_Seconds_ALL = 0; - Delay in seconds between the opening position, take into account all positions (Currency and the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
Delay_Seconds_Symbols = 0; - Delay in seconds between the open position of one currency is accounted for position 1 Currency (the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
Delay_Seconds_Type = 0; - Delay in seconds between the open position of one currency and every BUY / SELL positions, position 1 is taken into account currencies. 0 - disabled.
Delay_Points_Symbols= 0; - Delay in points between the open position of one currency is accounted for position 1 Currency (the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
Delay_Points_Type = 0; - Delay in points between the open position of one currency and every BUY / SELL positions, position 1 is taken into account currencies. 0 - disabled.
Warning: Delay in points can be equal to or greater than the opening price of the previous positions! The value in points - This is the minimum value of the distance from the nearest positions!
Warning: Delay in points is calculated on both sides of the opening price of the position!
for example:
Delay_Seconds_Type = 10; Delay opening of positions 1 and symbol in different directions 10 seconds!
Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:10 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:10 (opening time)
Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:11 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01 20 (opening time)
Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:12 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:12 (opening time)
Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:14 (opening time) Copylot ClientEURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:22 (opening time)
Copylot Master USDJPY SELL 0.1 10:01:15 (opening time) Copylot Client USDJPY SELL 0.1 10:01:15 (opening time)
for example:
Delay_Points_Type = 10; Delay opening of positions 1 and symbol in different directions 10 points!
Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10800 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10800 (opening price)
Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10801 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10810 (opening price)
Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10810 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10810 (opening price)
Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10808 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10820 (opening price)
Copylot Master USDJPY SELL 0.1 109.500 (opening price) Copylot Client USDJPY SELL 0.1 109.500 (opening price)
Version 19.994
Fixed ChangingNamesSymbols error when copying with Symbol replacement and direct Symbol copying:
e.g. with ChangingNamesSymbols = "US30 = GER30;"
When you open positions on the US30 master, GER30 will be copied to the client;
When you open positions on the GER30 master, GER30 will be copied to the client;
Version 19.993
Update for Netting Accounts
Version 19.992
Version 19.948
The error of using the My TakeProfit and My Stoploss parameters on the USDJPY symbol has been fixed
Version 19.812
When using TrailingStopUSE or BreakEven, the condition for modifying stop loss and take profit has been changed:
1. If Trailingstop or breakeven has not yet been activated (the position has no profit), then the stop loss and take profit from the master account are copied.!
2. If Trailingstop or Breakeven has already been activated and the stop loss of the position has been modified to a profitable zone, then copying the stop loss and take profit of this position is disabled and the COPYLOT continues the Trailing stop operation.
Version 19.802
Parameters added to Copylot Client MT5:
PendingPrice_adjust = 0; // PendingPrice_adjust -> Adjusting distance for pending order
input string periods5 = "========= TrailingStop options
TrailingStopUSE = false; // TrailingStopUSE -> Enable the TrailingStop function
TrailingStop = 50; // TrailingStop -> Distance trailing stop
TrailingStep = 1; // TrailingStep -> Trailing stop modification step
input string periods8 = "========= BreakEven WithoutLOSS options
BreakEven = false; // BreakEven -> Enable the Breakeven function
LevelWLoss = 0; // LevelWLoss -> Distance from the OpenPrice to the profitable SL
LevelProfit = 0; // LevelProfit -> Number of points gained by the position to use BE
Version 19.606
Fixed double opening error in Client MT5 when using multiple sources for copying.
Minor improvements.
Version 19.514
- Added the function of forced modification of stop loss and take profit after opening positions.
If My_STOPLOSS and / or My_TAKEPROFIT is used.
Version 19.322
Version 19.321
Copylot MetaTrader 5:
Beta testing: Added the ability to copy pending orders (PendingOrdersCopy ).
Note: Pending orders can be copied only from an account HEDGE.
Note: PendingOrdersCopy is disabled by default!
If you find an error, please let us know in the discussion section with the attachment of full log files and a description of your actions.
Thank you for understanding.
Version 19.318
Fixed update graphics panel.
Version 19.219
Ошибка версии (Master / Client)
Version 19.218
Version 19.121
Important update for Copylot Client MT5:
Optimization of the history of the deals functions to speed up the work of the copyist to reduce the load on computer resources.
Version 19.111
Client version mt5 updated!
Added execution of the algorithm on the tick, if the timer has not been initialized.
Version 19.107
- Update EAPADPRO v25;
- Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
- Increase the speed of the panel;
Version 18.991
This update is only for CLIENT MT5
- When copying from MT4 to MT5 and partially closing the position on MT4, the copied position on MT5 will be closed completely !!!
This eliminates the mistake of improperly copying a partially closed position!
Partial closure on the MT5 terminal and COPYLOT is not supported!
- Added the function of copying risk from master to client:
copying formula: lottoclient = (AccountBalance () / BalanceFromMaster) * lotfrommaster * LotExp;
- LotRiskFromMaster - use master account risk
- LotExp - Lot coefficient from the master.
You can set to increase or decrease the risk with the master account.
For example, LotExp = 2 and the wizard opens a lot of 0.1 with a balance of 10,000,
then on a client with a balance of 20,000, a lot of 0.4 is opened (with LotExp = 1, a lot of 0.2 is opened)
Version 18.988
Изминения в работе программы
Version 18.972
Bug fixed with Free Margin check
Version 18.965
Global Update 2018 COPYLOT MT5
1. Fixed the modification of stop loss and take profit on open positions when MARKET is executed on a trading account.
2. Added support for copying to accounts with MARKET execution.
3. Auto-add symbols to the market overview, if this symbol is not selected in the market overview.
4. Forced reading of the history of deals after opening, if the deal was opened with a delay.
5. Added EAPADPRO v21 panel
6. Added hints in external variables.
Version 17.203
Updated the version.
Modified the algorithm for automatically determining the orders filling type.
Version 16.956
The copier has been modified for working on hedge accounts.
Version 16.610
Added check for the use of the data file by another system
Version 16.322
Fixed the error of handling the symbols with the suffix "..."
Version 16.128
Update for UAC users:
If it's tunred on, all files are stored in the commen folder of the terminal
Version 16.105
Added the auto-detection of the symbol suffix, if it differs from the standard name of the currency pair.
If the PreFixSymbol="Auto" is specified:
If the currency name on the client terminal has a suffix, i.e. EURUSD.m, then the trades will be copied with the suffix ".m"
Added the OnTimer event handler which increases the stability and copying speed.
Fixed changing of the EA settings on the fly. Now the EA settings can be changed on the chart, without the need to restart the EA.
Version 15.991
- Fixed the error of modification of stop levels when using TP_adjust and SL_adjust.
- If it is impossible to open a deal according to the master account, DISABLED_TRADE will be displayed in the comment field - trade is prohibited for the symbol.
- Added automatic detection of the order filling type.
Version 15.959
Fixed opening positions for the derivatives market, if the Deal is not complete.
Version 15.956
Added forced detection of the new client tickets for the FORTS market. Closing deals on a master account leads to their forced closing on a client account as well.
Version 15.932
исправлена ошибка проскальзования на некоторых брокерах
drowndown protection by day doesnt work. for me it is most important function/closing position/. whole section clouse by day with usd, pips, and percent dont work. everything else working. i tested it on two different accounts from different providers.
Marry Christmas
How or where to send files?
well ea doesnt clouse position when trigered limit by day i dont know what else i can provide becouse everything else works in ea. just section for day limits dont.
Thanks for fixing ea great work.