Can MetaTrader be installed and run from a USB flash drive?

That way, I don't have to lug a laptop everywhere. Maybe I'd just stop by at an internet cafe or truck stop or something... It'd also be nice to take my trading station with me while I'm at a really boring party - "excuse me, do you have a pc handy?..." - ha!


Install Client Terminal MetaTrader 4 on your desktop and copy metatrader's folder on an USD flash disk.Or install MetaTrader 4 directly on an flash.
Install Client Terminal MetaTrader 4 on your desktop and copy metatrader's folder on an USD flash disk.Or install MetaTrader 4 directly on an flash.

Hey, thanks for that information. My only concern would then be, what about the Windows Registry...doesn't MT4 install some keys that would be required for running it on each machine? If not, then it's definitely possible to just copy it over to a flash drive and GO!

I searched my registry and came up with several inconsequential entries. The ones that did standout were the MetaEditor file connection entries:

I suppose, when a person is roaming, the editor would not be priority, so simply copying the folders and files over to a flash drive wouldn't pose a great barrier to trading. If one wanted to edit .mql files, one could simply setup on the flash drive a shortcut to the editor, which I'm sure would run fine from the flash drive. Yes? No?

Thanks again,

Sure you can. But I heard that USB flash drive will soon be damaged if sticked to a computer for long time, since Winxp check the flash drive EVERY second or so ! ..... So you may want to copy MT4 folder to that computer and unplug.
Hope this helps.
Sure you can. But I heard that USB flash drive will soon be damaged if sticked to a computer for long time, since Winxp check the flash drive EVERY second or so ! ..... So you may want to copy MT4 folder to that computer and unplug.
Hope this helps.

Hmmm. Damaging a USB flash drive by keeping it plugged in too long seems very odd to me -- I've never heard this. Where did you get this information? I should think that manufacturers would have tested this sort of connection and if true, everyone would know about it since the manufacturer would be posting warnings at their websites. I can imagine this: that a normal usb flash drive may be too slow to run apps from it.

There is something called U3 technology which is a usb flash drive designed specifically to run applications but I believe since they're designed to run apps, their access speeds are greatly enhance. Checkout for how it works - waaay cool.

So it would seem that's the way to go with MetaTrader. Still, I do wonder about the entries installed into the windows registry. It just so happens that I know I'm getting a 2Gb U3 drive for Christmas so that'll be my first chance to actually test this out.


USB drives are improving. However, they type of memory used has a limit (reports vary) on the number of write/rewrite cycles the individual bit memories can endure.

The usual number quoted is 100,000 cycles.

Write times are generally pretty slow.

So, MT4 should run for a long time on your USB, depending on what (if any) files are constantly re-written to the drive.

Use to monitor file activity by "terminal.exe" which is MT4.

I think it will work fine for your purposes, just drag an existing MT4 installation onto the USB, and see what happens. Double click "terminal.exe" on the USB to start MT4

If you blow it up after a while, well, they are only cost a few bucks now, and you can get a new one for your birthday if you trash the Christmas one.
USB drives are improving. However, they type of memory used has a limit (reports vary) on the number of write/rewrite cycles the individual bit memories can endure.

The usual number quoted is 100,000 cycles. Write times are generally pretty slow.

So, MT4 should run for a long time on your USB, depending on what (if any) files are constantly re-written to the drive.

Now you've done -- gotten me all interested in the geekiness of usb flash drives. Here's the fix for it:
Everything you never wanted to know about flash drives!

....If you blow it up after a while, well, they are only cost a few bucks now, and you can get a new one for your birthday if you trash the Christmas one.

Oh m'gawd - don't even think such a thing! Blowing up hardware is NOT one of my favorite things!

I recently wrote a little test script in c++ to open a file, write a long integer, close the file, open the file, read the value written, close the file, and repeat (appending the file).

Hard disk ran about 4,000 loops per second, the USB Flash I tried did 70/second.
I recently wrote a little test script in c++ to open a file, write a long integer, close the file, open the file, read the value written, close the file, and repeat (appending the file).

Hard disk ran about 4,000 loops per second,


....the USB Flash I tried did 70/second.


BUT... if we're just going to run MT4 from it, it's only going to write every tic to it, right? That's not even, welllll, maybe just a couple tics per second, right? I'm just getting started with MT4 programming so I really don't have a clue what get's written to disc so pay no attention to me, yet. Ha!

Now that I think about it a little more, MT4 itself has little disk activity. Histories seem to be updated only when you close it down, the rest of the time the new data is just held in memory.

Like I said, running it from Flash will probably work just fine.
hey all..... yes , flash drives work ok..... i have 4 types with varying sizes and all work fine.... sometimes they are plugged in all day..... if your doing heavy work, they will get hot.... or at least one of mine does......

you can have multiple copies of metatrader on each flashdrive..... for me it helps to keep several copies of metatrader with known and proven codes completley separate from copies that i'm writing/rewriting codes in......

the only issue i've noticed is you'll want to be carefull using the metaeditor.....

you can create a second copy and input the particpants of the champsonship login info in, which is handy..... h