Libraries: ErrorDescription



The library contains functions that returns description of runtime error codes and trade server return codes.

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Automated-Trading posted  :


Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.

What about trade server return code 10027?

Try to use this library with code 10027. We are going to update MQL5 Help.

Try to use this library with code 10027. We are going to update MQL5 Help.

Library does not compile on MT5 build 244

'ErrorDescription.mqh'    ErrorDescription.mqh    1    1
'TRADE_RETCODE_NO_CHANGES' - undeclared identifier    ErrorDescription.mqh    37    12
'TRADE_RETCODE_SERVER_DISABLES_AT' - undeclared identifier    ErrorDescription.mqh    38    12
'TRADE_RETCODE_CLIENT_DISABLES_AT' - undeclared identifier    ErrorDescription.mqh    39    12
'TRADE_RETCODE_LOCKED' - undeclared identifier    ErrorDescription.mqh    40    12
'TRADE_RETCODE_FROZEN' - undeclared identifier    ErrorDescription.mqh    41    12
no executable file produced        1    1
6 error(s), 0 warning(s)        1    1

Library does not compile on MT5 build 244

Sorry, wait for update, please.
ERR_CHART_WRONG_TIMER_PARAMETER code is not defined in Build 1100. It should be removed from this library as it gives a compilation error.

In errordescription.mqh line82 should be corrected

//      case ERR_CHART_WRONG_TIMER_PARAMETER:  return("Wrong parameter for timer");
      case ERR_CHART_WRONG_PARAMETER:        return("Wrong parameter for timer");

I commented it out, so it works.

Otto Pauser:

In errordescription.mqh line82 should be corrected

//      case ERR_CHART_WRONG_TIMER_PARAMETER:  return("Wrong parameter for timer");
      case ERR_CHART_WRONG_PARAMETER:        return("Wrong parameter for timer");

I commented it out, so it works.

It works for me.

Libraries: ErrorDescription
Libraries: ErrorDescription
The library contains functions that returns description of runtime error codes and trade server return codes.

Dear Sirs,

I have only 3 error in a EA that I am trying to build as follow:

'RealVolume' - undeclared identifier
'RealVolume' - parameter - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call"

If we go to the lines, 1282 to 1283, What we have is:

//| LowestRealVolume                                                      |
//| prevBars:  Number of previous bars to find Lowest RealVolume          |
double CMyExpert::LowestRealVolume(int prevBars,string symbol,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) 
   double BarLow = 999;     // Lowest bar value from PrevBars range.
   int copied=CopyRealVolume(symbol, timeframe,0,prevBars,RealVolume);

What can I do too solve this?

Best regards, Filipe
This is great. I'm also adding a function for deinit codes and maybe some other kind of codes as well. Kind of weird that this stuff isn't just built in!