Any details on what has actually changed?
I agree @MetaQuotes @Sergey Golubev @Carl Schreiber @forexample
Can we get some changelog information please on what was updated?
I agree @MetaQuotes @Sergey Golubev @Carl Schreiber @forexample
Can we get some changelog information please on what was updated?
I found one post in Russian forum:
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
New version of the MetaTrader 4 platform build 1370
MetaQuotes , 2023.01.18 15:53
The functionality update of the MetaTrader 4 platform was stopped many years ago and now we release only patches for crash logs.
With 1370, renamed executables (e.g. terminal.exe -> my_terminal.exe) silently refuse to run, which breaks my backtesting automation!! This is a big blocker to me, I'm desperately looking for a workaround now.
Could anyone else try & confirm this behavior?
I also agree with others that a detailed changelog is highly desired.
With 1370, renamed executables (e.g. terminal.exe -> my_terminal.exe) silently refuse to run, which breaks my backtesting automation!! This is a big blocker to me, I'm desperately looking for a workaround now.
Could anyone else try & confirm this behavior?
I also agree with others that a detailed changelog is highly desired.
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
New version of the MetaTrader 4 platform build 1370
MetaQuotes , 2023.01.18 15:53
We've been forced to turn on file persistence to fight scammers who reface and modify our applications.
The update of the MetaTrader 4 platform functionality was stopped many years ago and now we release only patches for crash logs.
Please explain how the exe file name is related to your backtesting automation ?
Sure, in a nutshell I have multiple MT4 instances running in parallel for backtesting, and another 'main' MT4 that runs my EAs for real trading. I need to keep track of the backtesting pool separately (and sometimes kill them) but Windows doesn't have a way to identify them by their full path - all I have is the executables to work with. With everything named terminal.exe, the main instance is included in the same pool and things get messed up. That's why I rename backtesting terminals differently.
Even when I use a link (shortcut) with a different name, the running executable still appears as terminal.exe.
As far as I know there is no way, for example, to make `taskkill` to identify and kill specific terminal.exe instances in different install locations :(
I was halfway through the tests - I wonder if there's a way to backport to older versions and disable update prompts. But even then it's a temporary workaround and I'm worried.
Sure, in a nutshell I have multiple MT4 instances running in parallel for backtesting, and another 'main' MT4 that runs my EAs for real trading. I need to keep track of the backtesting pool separately (and sometimes kill them) but Windows doesn't have a way to identify them by their full path - all I have is the executables to work with. With everything named terminal.exe, the main instance is included in the same pool and things get messed up. That's why I rename backtesting terminals differently.
Even when I use a link (shortcut) with a different name, the running executable still appears as terminal.exe.
As far as I know there is no way, for example, to make `taskkill` to identify and kill specific terminal.exe instances in different install locations :(
I was halfway through the tests - I wonder if there's a way to backport to older versions and disable update prompts. But even then it's a temporary workaround and I'm worried.
I got the idea thank you. I am surprised about what you said about the identification of instance but can't really comment on it without technical details.
Is there any reason to not use MT5 which provided all what is needed for such tasks.
Anyway, if you are stick to MT4 you will have to find a solution as the change definitive for security reason.
Windows doesn't have a way to identify them by their full path - all I have is the executables to work with.
Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий
Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 4 build 1370
fxsaber, 2023.01.18 16:09
Below, the code for MT5 can be converted to MT4.
static string GetClassName( const HANDLE Handle ) { string Str = NULL; short Buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (user32::GetClassNameW(Handle, Buffer, ::ArraySize(Buffer))) Str = ::ShortArrayToString(Buffer); return(Str); } static int GetTerminalHandles( HANDLE &Handles[] ) { ::ArrayFree(Handles); for (HANDLE Handle = user32::GetTopWindow(NULL); Handle; Handle = user32::GetWindow(Handle, GW_HWNDNEXT)) if (MTTESTER::GetClassName(Handle) == "MetaQuotes::MetaTrader::5.00") Handles[::ArrayResize(Handles, ::ArraySize(Handles) + 1) - 1] = Handle; return(::ArraySize(Handles)); }
static string GetPathExe( const HANDLE Handle ) { string Str = NULL; uint processId=0; if (user32::GetWindowThreadProcessId(Handle, processId)) { const HANDLE processHandle = kernel32::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, processId); if (processHandle) { short Buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; uint Size = ::ArraySize(Buffer); if (kernel32::QueryFullProcessImageNameW(processHandle, 0, Buffer, Size)) Str = ::ShortArrayToString(Buffer, 0, Size); kernel32::CloseHandle(processHandle); } } return(Str); }
I got the idea thank you. I am surprised about what you said about the identification of instance but can't really comment on it without technical details.
Is there any reason to not use MT5 which provided all what is needed for such tasks.
Anyway, if you are stick to MT4 you will have to find a solution as the change definitive for security reason.
Thank you Alain - my backtests are indicator heavy and only a small subset of those work for MT5 - I'm stuck with MT4 for :)
Google to the rescue again, I found a way to target specific instances without needing to rename terminal.exe -- here's how, in case others need it:
WMIC Process Where "ExecutablePath='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\<specific_install_dir>\\terminal.exe'" Call Terminate 2>&1 1>NUL
I understand mine is a corner case and I don't think this change impact a lot of other people (other than those who reface and modify it of course, ha ha) :D

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The MetaTrader 4 platform update will be released on Friday, January 13, 2023. It contains many fixes and improvements accumulated since the previous release a year ago.
The update will be available through the Live Update system.