dual cpu 64 core - page 2

Marino Macis #:


ownership check returned 64; so it can only see one processor, right?

I don't know but I guess so.
Carl Schreiber # : Non lo so ma credo di sì.

Could I open a ticket with MQL5 to solve the problem?

If yes, how do you do it?

thank you.

Marino Macis #:

Posso aprire un ticket con MQL5 per risolvere il problema?
se si, sapresti come fare?

I would post you problem (well documented with code and results) here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/425508

This thread was posted by MQ and they read it due to possible error messages.

You can even use the Russian thread: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/425507 maybe it's easier to read for the Russian developers.

But honestly speaking I hardly believe that this will be changed by MQ as you are the only one in the world with this problem - I guess.

New MetaTrader 5 Platform build 3300: Fast compilation and improved code navigation in MetaEditor
New MetaTrader 5 Platform build 3300: Fast compilation and improved code navigation in MetaEditor
  • 2022.05.19
  • www.mql5.com
The MetaTrader 5 platform update will be released on Friday, May 20, 2022...
So, even if you cannot install and run 128 services manually, which I doubt. You can use virtual machines for your personal usage.

I myself have had over 70 cores within a local network farm working flawless, installed on multiple hyper threading Intel CPUs.

I installed the services manually, by CMD. Not using MetaTester, but SVC command from windows. I batched it, deployed it on 5 servers and gathered all agents in one terminal.

It was a beast on genetic optimization.

But I turned my back on algorithms requiring optimization runs. Therefore I have no current experience. So build version I used back then was 2803. (If I remember right).

Carl Schreiber # :

I would post you problem (well documented with code and results) here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/425508

This thread was posted by MQ and they read it due to possible error messages.

You can even use the Russian thread: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/425507 maybe it's easier to read for the Russian developers.

But honestly speaking I hardly believe that this will be changed by MQ as you are the only one in the world with this problem - I guess.

Thank you in advance, summarizing THE PROBLEM:


It uses only 64 physical and 64 logical cores.

Pc feature:

AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor 2.60 GHz (2 processors)

RAM installed 1.00 TB

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

the TerminalInfoInteger (TERMINAL_CPU_CORES) function returns 64;

also the command from CMD:

wmic cpu get NumberOfCores, NumberOfLogicalProcessors / Format


64 128

64 128

do you need more information ?

Best regards

For the second CPU to be utilized, use a virtual machine.

For the services use windows CMD tools to register the services.

This should enable you to use 256 agents.

But be aware, I wouldn't assign all ht/cores to a service, you need some for the os. Else it will be unfeasible to interact with the system.

Keep around 10% for the OS and your Apps.

Also, do not use the local agents in the terminal where you gather all the network agents.

I suggest putting all agents into virtual machines. It makes your life so much easier.

VirtualBox or VMware Player should do the job for you
Marino Macis #: Thank you in advance, summarizing THE PROBLEM: MT5 CANNOT USE THE SECOND PROCESSOR.

Have you tried assigning the MetaTester agent to the second processor via the "Processor affinity" from the Windows Task Manager or command-line equivalent?

Fernando Carreiro #:

Have you tried assigning the MetaTester agent to the second processor via the "Processor affinity" from the Windows Task Manager or command-line equivalent?

No, no I tried I don't know how to do it, could you kindly tell me how?

Marino Macis #: No, no I tried I don't know how to do it, could you kindly tell me how?

See the GIF animation below of how to set Affinity in the Task Manager (Windows 10)

Fernando Carreiro #:

See the GIF animation below of how to set Affinity in the Task Manager (Windows 10)

Thanks Fernando, I think we have solved the problem, within set affinity there were four groups each of which contains 64 cores, only the first group was active, after activating them all, I finally saw the cpu at 100%! Great Fernando and thank you very much !!