ACTIONS news , forecasts , expectations , November 2021


SBER Bank, will there be a move before the end of the year.

Sber's report was last good, profits a trillion, capital rises...

USDRUB has been overshooting for 4 days in a row and the downward march has been slightly suspended. At the end of October the USDRUB got a bit stocky and immediately bought dividend + securities from the SP500 list with a good performance.

We will be watching

The Fed has announced a reduction in its asset buyback programme.
04 November 2021, 21:35

Novak estimates probability of oil rise to $100 a barrel

US stock indices rise steadily
Pfizer announced the magic anti-covids pill and the stock went up 15%.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:
04 November 2021, 21:35

Novak estimates probability of oil price hike to $100 a barrel

Which time. Generally this is manipulation, a pity without consequences.


SP500 storms another high


I can't learn - how do you make money here? -

For example, I decided to enter - I predicted that it will go down, it will open and what should I do next - when can I close and how?

Screenshot 2021-11-16 132630

SanAlex #:

I can't learn - how do you make money here? -

For example, I decided to enter - I predicted that it will go down, it will open and what to do next - when can I close and how?

If there is an overwhelming desire to play from short - IMHO it is better to look towards futures.