What, again? - page 3

Andrey Barinov:

NOT restored...

Contact Service Desk. We will resolve your issue.
Pavel Kozlov:
Contact Service Desk. We will solve your problem.

On the product page, the reviews are visible. But, on most product cards in the Marketplace and on the Seller's Profile tab, there are now no stars or numbers with the number of reviews

Andrey Barinov:

On the product page, the reviews are visible. But, on most product cards in the Marketplace and on the Seller's Profile tab, there are now no stars or numbers with the number of reviews

Similarly, on some products there are reviews but the stars are blank.

Let's start at the beginning on an equal footing


Renat Akhtyamov:

Let's start at the beginning on an equal footing



Pavel Kozlov:
Contact Service Desk. We will solve your problem.

I wonder...

They only deal with issues of a financial nature and registration.

What topic should I choose to contact Service Desk?

Pavel Kozlov:
Please contact Service Desk. We will solve your problem.

It used to be possible to buy a product without registration

Is it no longer available? Has something changed?

when you click on the "rent" button, the terminal prompts you to register.

Pavel Kozlov:
Contact Service Desk. We will solve your problem.

I also noticed a sharp drop in product downloads.

I would say almost no downloads of paid products in the last 2 weeks

Although before that there was a spike in purchases without demo downloads.

Can you explain what this is about?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
the marketplace itself is still a bit broken. when they finish it (when the stars appear at least), we will be able to talk about the bugs in essence
I don't look at downloads of paid products at all. Now I've looked, even the free products have been cut back a lot in downloads.
Sales are counted, downloads are not.