Google vs automatic trading?


I decided to order advertising on Google ADS. But what did I end up getting. More than two days waiting for the ad to be moderated. Then, I couldn't take it anymore and called support. I was told to wait for the result of moderation for a day. But even during this time I did not get any result. I waited for another day and here is the result:

It was written in the status of the ad (verbatim quote). Is this Google now against forex? I do not know what to do now. What to do with the money I put there. And the ad gave no results( What's wrong in this case and who had a similar situation with Google or similar ad companies?
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Главным преимуществом торговых терминалов MetaTrader является возможность создания автоматических торговых систем, способных совершать торговые операции без вмешательства трейдера, что позволяет исключить влияние психологии на результаты торговли. Для этого нужно сформулировать торговую стратегию и реализовать ее в виде программы на языке MQL...

A search engine for "complex products for financial speculation", gives an immediate result, on Google's terms.

On the certification of financial products whose advertising is allowed with restrictions

О сертификации финансовых продуктов, реклама которых разрешена с ограничениями
Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион Если рекламодатель лицензирован Комиссией Австралии по инвестициям и ценным бумагам, он может показывать в этой стране рекламу сложных спекулятивных финансовых продуктов. Кроме того, должны соблюдаться другие местные юридические требования, например в отношении левериджа капитала и предупреждений о рисках...

A search engine for "complex products for financial speculation", gives an immediate result, on Google's terms.

On the certification of financial products whose advertising is allowed with restrictions

So I just need to change the countries to a different region... I'm going to try that now...

it's been like that for three years now.
Mihail Matkovskij:

So I just need to change the countries to a different region... I'm going to try it now...

Which region was rejected?
If they approve for another region, let me know here.
Although you have to read Google's condition carefully, what they want, I haven't read it.


it's complicated out there.

At first they banned my site for advertising, saying that the software there was against the rules.

The issue was resolved and it turned out to be an issue with the images.

I deleted all the pictures from the site and still the adverts were not allowed.

Then they only found out that it was no longer possible to advertise forex


Vladislav Andruschenko:

Then it was only found out that it was no longer possible to advertise forex

This is very unfortunate for all MQL programmers (

Mihail Matkovskij:

This is very unfortunate for all MQL programmers (

this is how we live,

yandex was shut down about 5 years ago. For the same reason.

It is not allowed to advertise on the site. Even hidden advertising is banned here.


Here's what it gave me:

message from google ads

Here's one for these countries (two of which I deleted):


Mihail Matkovskij:

Here's what it gave me:

This is for these countries (two of which I deleted):

throwing ads on mql5 is also forbidden by the MQL Administration !

Vladislav Andruschenko:

that's how we live,

Yandex was shut down about five years ago. For the same reason.

You can't advertise on the site. Even hidden advertising is banned here.

In general: "Everywhere there is a wedge" (as it was said in a famous commercial of the 90s) :)

Where to advertise?

Pun :)