Just a consultation - page 6


There are 3 tabs in the excel file

In the screenshot the tab with data from stock markets, the other two (currencies and bonds) are completely identical

The first column is the date. The lower row with the current date is actual, it means that the program is writing there the latest data over the previous ones with the set periodicity during the day

At 00 o'clock it starts writing in a new line and everything repeats.

I don't need history, I can bring it into excel myself, as you understand I have it, the whole point is constantly updating the bottom line

Then this information is processed and I get a result that shows me the market situation. But I do this on my own.

If you do not write it in Excel, but in MT, of course, this task looks more attractive, but the amount of work will probably be different. I am not looking in this direction yet.

i.e. the open Excel table has to be updated in real time (replenish the regional indexes)

Not a particularly easy task, oddly enough. At first glance, there are several ways:

- terminal as a DDE server translates quotes, VBA Excel script reads them and puts into the right row

- an indicator/advisor using a COM interface puts data wherever you want

- the terminal writes in a database, for example MSSQL, Excel uses it as a data source

The programmer has to know and apply a whole stack of technologies. There are few of them here - everyone is mostly in the closed world of MetaTrader

You can't do it for 200 quid.

PS/ tradingview itself buys data from ICE-Data. And there the price tag is a bit steep :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

i.e. we have to update the open Excel table in real time (replenish the regional indexes)

is not a particularly easy task, oddly enough. At first glance, there are several ways:

- terminal as a DDE server transmits quotes, VBA Excel script reads them and puts into the right row

- an indicator/advisor using a COM interface puts data wherever you want

- the terminal writes in a database, for example MSSQL, Excel uses it as a data source

the programmer has to own and apply a whole stack of technology. There are few of them here - everyone is mostly in the closed world of MetaTrader

You will not make it within $200.

PS/ tradingview itself buys data from ICE-Data. And there the price tag is a bit steep :-)

I'd do it within a server in .php

I created a portfolio with necessary tickers, copied the page from investing, and after that written directly to excel, avoiding MySQL.

But it's difficult to write in the right cell, if I changed the portfolio.

In general, I am coming out of the discussion.

I think the bottom line is $200 - $300. You also need to look at whether and how authorisation is needed, which can make the cost very high. There are a lot of pitfalls here and the reliability of the whole construction will not be the highest. They already spoke about it here. We download the page, parse html and build the tree. We search the tree. If the page's design changes very much, it will immediately break the search, the criteria of which will have to be written into the code. And one more thing. If you frequently visit the site for a page, it's likely to get banned.
Andrei Novichkov:
You also need to look at whether and how authorisation is needed, which can make it very expensive.


Evgeny Belyaev:


Won't give the data without input? Then things are considerably more complicated

Andrei Novichkov:

They won't give you the data without logging in? Then it's more complicated than that

No, they won't give you the data without logging in.

Evgeny Belyaev:

No, they won't give you the data without authorisation.

There's a lot of stiffs around...
Judging by the screenshot, there is no point in parsing the website as there is nothing special in the table - a list of instruments (created by the user), prices and volumes. all this can also be taken from the terminal.
Igor Zakharov:
The first screenshot shows that there is no point in parsing the website, as there is nothing special in the table - a list of instruments (created by the user), prices and volumes.

Where do you get the data on 10-year bonds, the first screenshot has it.

Andrei Novichkov:

Won't give the data without input? Then it's more complicated than that

Usually there are no problems here, but if there is protection against automatic requests, then everything looks very problematic. At a quick glance, it doesn't seem to be there, but there are no guarantees, you have to try.