Interesting to know ! - page 11

Олег avtomat:

That's silly...

What is stupid is not that, but that you don't know how to build TRENDS.

That is, not just NOT KNOW, but you don't KNOW ANYTHING at all.

That is, at all ****** !!!


Probably neither you nor any other member of this forum knows absolutely nothing about what I'm about to tell you.

Around 1950-1980 (I can't say more precisely as I don't know more precisely) there were special schools for (as they are called now) "special children" in cities in the USSR.

Back then the "special children" were not as special as they are now, but even then special schools were built for them. (This was, can you imagine, in 1960, when half the population of Belarus after the war lived in barracks and dugouts.) Soviet authorities spared nothing, and created these schools.

Nobody really knew anything about these schools. Although they were not secret. But pupils were accepted there only by referral from the rayono (district public education department). I would have learned nothing about the existence of those schools either, if I had not lived in the same entrance hall as one of the "graduates" of such a school.

On the surface, this "pupil" was no different from those at the other schools. But no one could have predicted what passions would boil and build up in his head and what to expect from him ... .


I am not going to judge or condemn these "special people", but the certificate of graduation from such a school "for retards" was not any different from any other school (by the way, the certificate of graduation from the 18th boarding school for gifted children of Moscow State University does not differ from any other outwardly).


Time has passed ...

And now there are so many fools and morons that any common sense thoughts are drowned in the sea of "universal WORLD" joint education of normal and "special" children !!!

And there is even talk that this is "NORMAL" (!???), and such children too, as it turns out, can benefit society, etc.

That is, these "special" children should be given jobs in leadership positions (they are not expected to do anything else - they are not longshoremen at the port, after all), should be given privileges, etc.


On MT4 forum such "special children" should also be provided with "special conditions" so that any other forum participants, God forbid, do not insult such children and do not say anything unkind to them!!!

Did I understand you correctly Mr. Moderator ???

Эвелина Бледанс, Ирина Хакамада и другие звезды, у которых растут особенные дети
Эвелина Бледанс, Ирина Хакамада и другие звезды, у которых растут особенные дети
  • 2015.07.15
  • Алина Краснова Звездный редактор
1 апреля 2012 года в семье артистки Эвелины Блёданс и продюсера Александра Семина родился мальчик Семен. Родители знали о диагнозе своего будущего сына еще до его рожденияно приняли решение не прерывать беременность. Эвелина и Александр стремятся изменить стереотипы людей о детях с синдромом Дауна. Они мечтают на примере собственного сына...
Олег avtomat:

It's not a trend. It's the sum of the squares. Have you ever checked what would happen on your chart if you plotted something like this? And if the trend is down, what do you see?

You should at least educate yourself a little, so you don't put your stupidity in the public eye.

You're right.

I never said it was a TREND.

It's a TREND FORMULA. Is that clear?

And you have to manage to build a Trend with the help of this formula.

You need treatment.


You're right.

I didn't say it was a TREND.

It's a TREND FORMULA. Is that clear?

And you have to manage to build a Trend with the help of this formula.

You need treatment.

Oleg works:tractor (it says so in the profile).

It must be hard to work "tractor". Sometimes the brakes fail...)).

But to shovel formulas is as good as to dig with a bucket into concrete slabs...


You are right.

I didn't say it was a TREND.

It's a TREND FORMULA. Is that clear?

And you have to manage to build a Trend with the help of this formula.

You need treatment.

don't move out already, special kid...

Реter Konow:

Oleg works:tractor (it says so in his profile).

It must be hard to work "tractor". Sometimes the brakes fail...)).

But to shovel formulas is as good as to dig into concrete slabs with a bucket...

you're a special kid, too... if you had any knowledge of mathematics you'd get the point at a glance... and without the gnawing that didn't help you say anything sensible to the question at hand anyway...

there are unfortunately too many of you... too many of you...

Олег avtomat:

also a special kid... if you had any knowledge of mathematics, you'd get the point at a glance... and without the gnawing that didn't help you say anything sensible to the question at hand anyway...

there are unfortunately too many of you... too many of you...

Oleg, don't be offended by the main thing. ))

I guess working as a tractor raises one's self-esteem. You start to feel like a scientist, a mathematician... And everyone else suddenly feels stupid and worthless...

I read your posts. I was fascinated by your flight of thought. When it flew (thought), it rumbled like a tractor.

Реter Konow:

Oleg, don't be offended. ))

Come on, Petya, how can you... you're a special kid.

Реter Konow:

Oleg, don't be offended. ))

I guess working with a tractor really boosts one's self-esteem. Involuntarily you start to feel like a scientist, a mathematician... And everyone else is suddenly stupid and worthless...

I read your posts. I was fascinated by your flight of thought. As it flew, it clattered like a tractor.

;))))) is that the flight of your mind? Is that it soaring into the sky?

pretty high flying for a special kid.
Олег avtomat:

;))))) is that a flight of fancy?

Ooh, I think I'm distracting Oleg. He's at work... I can hear the thought rumbling...))

Реter Konow:
If TC considers me a programmer natives too, it will not offend me. I'll just smile in response)).

But smiling back at me is unlikely to do that for you.

It was you who, without my involvement, organized and became the topic-starter of the thread

I have nothing to do with this nonsense, and I have nothing to do with it!

Now I will tell you some cautionary tales, and show you how stupid you are.


Generally speaking, the history of human stupidity is infinitely rich and varied, starting with the story of Moses in the BIBLE, and not even ending with modern times (as the sequel follows).

I'll pick just a few that are most relevant to the current moment.


As you know, in mathematics and logic you can construct all sorts of theories and logical constructs as long as you like, and as correctly as you like.

And just one single counterexample to any "infinitely correct and true theory" can destroy that theory to its very foundation.


This is what happened, for example, with the "religion of numbers" of Pythagoras.


Everything was great, and Pythagoras was considered the "God" of this religion, but only until the priests of Egypt delivered the proof of the existence of irrational numbers to the schools of Pythagoras in Italy, and all its surroundings.Иррациональное_число

An elementary proof. No big deal. But what followed ???

The school of Pythagoras in Croton was burned along with the Pythagoreans who were in that school !!!

The Pythagorean schools were outlawed throughout Italy and the Pythagoreans themselves were subjected to all kinds of persecution and physical extermination. And even Socrates, as we all remember, was sentenced to death by taking poison, although he was not a pure Pythagorean.

Moreover the Pythagoreans were destroyed on the territory of Europe during 2000 years (!!! Try to imagine!) And the last Pythagorean who was burnt at the stake of Inquisition was Giordano Bruno (1600).

How do you like that?

But that's not all ...


This is what happened to Euclid's geometry, for example.


The stumbling block of Euclid's geometry was the last 5th postulate, which stated that only one line parallel to a given line can be drawn through a point which does not lie on a straight line.

It turned out to be more than one. And non-Euclidean geometries were created.


That's what happened with Newton's mechanics, for example.


In 1696 Johann Bernoulli formulated the famous brachistochrone problem.Брахистохрона

And if not all, then all sensible scientists realised that Newton's mechanics had come to an end.

Newton himself ended up in an insane asylum and was unable to write a single paper after that.


Of course, many will say that all this was a long time ago, and it can't happen now.

But no. Here is a relatively recent example:Парадокс_Рассела

and its killer famous Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem.Теорема_Гёделя_о_неполноте


Of course, all forum participants and Peter Konov himself will say here: What does it have to do with us? We have everything right, beautiful, and no paradoxes!!!


Wrong gentlemen !!!

Let me ask you:

What makes you think that a single algorithm (or trend) can provide a solution to the problem of "knowingly profitable opening" with any degree of probability?

This is BLEEP !!!

It is not difficult for me to prove in purely mathematical terms that no single algorithm, no matter how sophisticated it is, does not provide a solution to the problem of profitable opening of a position.

Here's the paradox gentlemen !!!


It immediately follows that all branch of Peter Konov and the survey that is organized there - THIS is Complete Nonsense!!!

Such disappointing conclusions, Mr. Peter Konov !

Нужно ли расширять творческое пространство алготрейдинга?
Нужно ли расширять творческое пространство алготрейдинга?
  • 2018.11.01
Да. Мало возможностей для полной реализации моих идей, Нет. Возможностей реализации идей хватает...