Can the SB chart be distinguished from the price chart? - page 28

Andrey Dik:

Most of the problems we didn't expect happen, and most of the problems we predicted do NOT happen.

why does this happen? - strangely, research by psychologists confirms what I am saying.

it is impossible to tell the difference between SB and CD, I have posted examples and public opinion (averagely) failed to detect any significant difference, and furthermore, public opinion was inclined to believe that outwardly CD is more similar to SB than vice versa.....

and after that, as most people pick their noses (expectations do not coincide with reality), who can say that CD is not SB? but you can ask the opposite, it does not change anything, because the human perception of any process is not an adequate description of it however one wants it, even if the process is a phenomenon of human activity, in other words - CD.

ZS. man is such an idiot.... nice stupid creature, destroying the planet, thinking about the meaning of life and not understanding the schedule of his activities on the chart....

ZZZY. take any creature on the planet, be it an ant, a dolphin or a dog... here is a dog, walks and pisses everywhere, marks everything around, just imagine yourself as a certain dog walking on the street.... how many smells, and among those smells, the canine distinguishes every dog who has contributed to the cacophony of smells... that's a guy, a doberman, 3 years old, eats dog food, that's a bum, a mutt who eats everything the neighbour's dogs dig up and that's a poodle girl, she smells of spinach and selected marbled beef and is 1.5 years old - the juiciest and already all the cables around have made a mental path to her house clearer than any GPS.... how so?! dolphins, elephants, whales, bats, bees... etc... we could go on and on.... ants, swallows, spiders, indeed plants and fungi, and they understand each other better than humans understand human activities...

Few people know that all matter in the world is alive. Alive in its most microscopic form. And a set of such microscopic elements create a more complex structure. For example a microbe or a bacterium and then even more complex structures, plants and animals. Any one object is just a set of tiny elements in a particular combination. Chemistry and physics link the elements together in a genetic programme. And we are already a complex living organism. A set of the smallest elements can already move, absorb the missing elements to keep the structure stable. Can you imagine a set of the smallest elements moving around, thinking about where to find the poodle girl, trying to determine the mood of the masses, where the price will go tomorrow.
