A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 24

Sergey Vradiy:
Get up in the morning, wander the woods, swim in the sea, have lunch, take a nap, etc. I don't need anything else.


Geniuses have not yet been bred or predicted in which social strata they will emerge.

How haven't they learned?

Stanford University. Its graduates founded companies like Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems, Nvidia, Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics and Google.

but only 5% of applicants get in.

Stanford is said to be a forge for businessmen. in second place is some business school in israel.

Geniuses have not yet been bred or predicted in which social strata they will emerge. So he may come from a family of beggars, whom some may consider incapable of anything or even idle. Or it may come from a family of a rich man with "good genetics". It's up to nature to decide. By saying that you would give more to the Masked and not waste on the poor, you are trying to arrogate this right of nature to yourself. That is, you think that such a highly organized planetary mechanism is worse than your "genius brain". To think so is dumb at the very least. And depriving the poor part of the population of income, just because they are not able to earn and cheat as others, you, respectively, reduce the total number of Masks in the world, for the reason described above (the uncertainty of their environment). In the end thinking that the currently existing Mask should give away everything, as they will do more for development by taking away from those who can do nothing is utopia. In the short term, maybe it would have worked (as inhumane as it may sound). But globally in the future it would lead to a reduction in the number of geniuses. Which would equalize the benefits of handing all the cards to only the geniuses. Nature would level your mental thinking to give everything to one or the other. Swap the shill for the soap? When there are few geniuses with greater resources, or when there are many geniuses with fewer resources. The scale of the final progress should be equal.
If taxes are lower - entrepreneurs reinvest more money, firms develop much faster, the economy grows faster. it is a proven fact.

trump lowered taxes - the american economy is booming.

And if they take 75% of the wealthy, as in France, they will have no money to reinvest.
Geniuses have not yet been bred or predicted in which social strata they will emerge. So he may come from a family of beggars, whom some may consider incapable of anything or even idle. Or it may come from a family of a rich man with "good genetics". It's up to nature to decide. By saying that you would give more to the Masked and not waste on the poor, you are trying to arrogate this right of nature to yourself. That is, you think that such a highly organized planetary mechanism is worse than your "genius brain". To think so is dumb at the very least. And depriving the poor part of the population of income, just because they are not able to earn and cheat as others, you, respectively, reduce the total number of Masks in the world, for the reason described above (the uncertainty of their environment). In the end thinking that the currently existing Mask should give away everything, as they will do more for development by taking away from those who can do nothing is utopia. In the short term, maybe it would have worked (as inhumane as it may sound). But globally in the future it would lead to a reduction in the number of geniuses. Which would equalize the benefits of handing all the cards to only the geniuses. Nature would level your mental thinking to give everything to one or the other. Swap the shill for the soap? When there are few geniuses with greater resources, or when there are many geniuses with fewer resources. The scale of the final progress should turn out to be equal.

This is another problem.

there are many creative/talented people, and they have to work all their lives in factories to support themselves.

They have no time to devote to creativity or science.

if they were free of the need to work - how many good movies/music/software/inventions could they give to humanity.

how to solve this problem?
maybe there will be companies that invest in such people.

The company signs a contract that takes a promising person on an allowance, pays him/her an average salary every month and provides a laboratory where he/she can do research. but! if he/she ever becomes rich, he/she gives 50% of the money to the company.

How to choose such people? select those who graduated with honours in their favourite subjects, won academic competitions in the subject and then graduated with honours in the same specialisation.

Stanford selects them somehow. and quite successfully.

You completely misunderstood what I meant, or that's not what I said. What I meant was that you don't know where a genius is born, whether it's in the family of this particular lazybones or not. It's impossible for everyone to be diligent. That doesn't mean they should be weeded out. It would create inequality, as a result it would take away the right to be born to an unborn possible genius.
Believe me, if it were profitable (to give money to random people in the hope that a genius would come along and share with you), then entrepreneurs would do it.

If entrepreneurs do not do it, why should the state do it? That means it is not profitable.

why should the state take money away and give it to random poor people.

If Mask thought it was profitable, he would do it with his own money.
Aliaksandr Maksimau:

Ahh I see what you mean, offspring) Yes, the offspring may be brilliant, there is a possibility.But still you will not feed the hordes at the expense of others (who take advantage of it directionally) in the expectation that a genius will appear there and invent a symphoquazotron-which will move humanity forward. So the method itself is bad--encourages this way of life. There should be some other methods for screening--for example, a limited period of encouragement--and you can see he breaks away or just sits in one place). That is, you have a head--you can go to school wherever you want and work--if you have the qualifications. Or invent--the patent office checked it out--the idea is good--the patent is granted and they start promoting you. Meritocracy))

A social program should have social housing for such, and provide a means for food and minimum necessities. And then whoever wants it, will develop a desire for more comfort in themselves. But that is a choice. Not as it is now, there is no choice, to endure what is imposed on you only because otherwise you will really die. There is no dividend from the fact that you are an equal resident and owner of resources and land too. Everything belongs not to us, but by what right. Maybe a man doesn't need all that civilization has. He could live on his own land very well. But it was taken from him. Either pay a dividend or give it back. The land feeds thousands of years, and the man who was deprived of it was handed a handout in the form of a flat that will close in 50 years and that's it. The allowance should be something you can really live on, without excesses of course. This is how it is in developed countries. There is a choice, live like this or develop. We have no choice. It is impossible to live on welfare. And it has been taken away from everyone many times more than in those countries where it is all right.
You're willing to feed the millions of spinoffs in power, but you refuse to let the common man do it. I have doubts whether you are not from the UR)))).

how did they not learn?

Stanford University. Its graduates founded companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems, Nvidia, Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics and Google.

but only 5% of applicants get in.

Stanford is said to be a forge for businessmen. in second place is some business school in israel.

I wrote about the other one. I wrote about the physical emergence of geniuses in the world. Does Stanford conceive and give birth to geniuses? Stanford only cuts diamonds and develops ready-made talent. Before Stanford, it's a matter of shitting and making them.
Before Stanford, they have to get laid and make more babies.

You mean giving poor people money to have sex and make more babies?

there are already 6 billion people in the world.


So giving poor people money to have sex and make more babies?

There are already 6 billion people in the world.

Give them a choice, not money to make babies. Choice, Carl. If you have enough to live on, it's your problem if you want to live on welfare and have 6 children and be surprised that they go to a bad school. You have been given that allowance to live in society so that you would not interfere with another community that wants to develop and live peacefully, so that you would not be forced by hunger to engage in criminal activity and break the security of all. You may well live on it. But to have children, be kind and strive to provide for yourself. Even drug addicts are given doses because without it, they will ruin other people's lives committing robberies in addition to their own. These issues should be handled by whole institutions, it is not a question of 5 sentences.
Except we can't even get by on our allowance.
Tomorrow someone could easily make it so that you, who do not consider yourself poor today, will also be poor. For reasons completely beyond your control. Are you prepared to accept that you will be denied benefits, which is tantamount to denying your very existence?