From theory to practice - page 474


No one is pushing the price anywhere. There is demand and there is supply. Skewness directs the price towards equilibrium.

Here is a graph of the demand for currencies

lilac - euro

blue - pound

green - dollar

white - yen

red - franc.


What do we see?

August 9 Demand for the euro was low and supply was high. Everybody was dumping the Euro and the chart showed it.

Open other pairs and you will see the same picture.

Calculated the derivative function of the moments of a normal distribution = infinity. Explain the meaning, please.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
Calculated the derivative function of moments of a normal distribution = infinity. Explain the meaning, please.

It is not necessary to divide by zero.

there is no need to divide by zero in the flat

Nikolay Demko:

In that you don't have to divide by zero.

Where is the division by zero? (see the derivative function of moments ) :


What exactly is output to the print?

A non-existent value or infinity, plus or minus infinity?

What does Mu Te Sigma equal ???

Nikolay Demko:

What exactly is output to the print?

A non-existent value or infinity, plus or minus infinity?

What does Mu Te Sigma equal?

Anything that's put into the formula is greater than zero. Didn't I check that first .

I end up with inf

Evgeniy Chumakov:
Calculated the derivative function of moments of a normal distribution = infinity. Explain the meaning, please.

The point is that derivative functions do not need to be calculated. They are called derivative because the power series (often Taylor) representation of a derivative function has coefficients, each equal to something in the sequence. In this case it is a sequence of moments of distribution (central). Derivative functions first appeared with Euler in the problem of determining a set of weights at a lever scale, or, similarly, a set of coins to give out any amount.

In this thread, it is appropriate to recall that Alexander started withStudent's t2-distribution, which has uncapped variance. That is, there is no second momentum, or second coefficient in the representation of the derivative function of moments as a power series.


Grail... One love... One hope... One destiny...

I come to you as a longing wanderer... I swim in the streams of Erlang, getting strange corpuscular-wave properties of soul and body...

Now I am already in a stream of the 60th order - 2-3 more days to decipher my data...


Grail... One love... One hope... One destiny...

I come to you as a longing wanderer... I swim in the streams of Erlang, getting strange corpuscular-wave properties of soul and body...

Now I am already in a stream of the 60th order - 2-3 more days to decipher my data...

Have the previous 59 streams been deciphered already?
Dmitriy Skub:
Are the previous 59 threads already decoded?

There are even more, incomparably more, Dimitri...

For each order (read - number of summands of exponential numbers) there are also p=from infinity and q=1-p.

And I say that I am now disintegrated in these flows - and I will integrate in order 60 at p=0.5...

I want to compare my distributions with standard distributions for OPEN and CLOSE for M1.