Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 84

It's all profitable if you don't consider something, especially something that wasn't drawn in the story. And when you bet on the real, the previously un-drawn stuff is bound to come up, and it is bound to go against the grain.

Maybe you just can't draw. Read those few who can, there are links in the thread...
prikolnyjkent 03.09.2012 14:30 Vlads: And then, you will not deny the absence of some regularities in the APPEARANCE OF DIFFERENT PRINCIPLES on SB I will not. There is no pattern ... 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 according to your drunken sailor formula doesn't work on SB. But have you seen on DIFFERENCE OF MODULES OF PRIRACES such long unchanged signs? And how long are they? The most evidently purely random process is described in "the problem about the drunken sailor": a sailor leaves an inn and makes N steps in absolutely random direction. The question is: at what distance is he most likely to take these N steps? It is proved that the distance is proportional to the square root of N. It is remarkable that this dependence - proportionality to the square root - does not depend on the dimensionality of the problem (!), i.e. the sailor goes along a straight line (one-dimensional problem), along the plane or in space (two or three-dimensional problems) - all the same proportional to the root of the number of steps (or the root of time to the reference!) So: we take this dependence (proportionality of distance from the starting point) as the measure of a purely random process.
Oh, boy. You're a woman now.
prikolnyjkent 03.09.2012 14:30 Vlads: And then, you will not deny the absence of some regularities in the occurrence of PRIRATION DIFFERENCES on SB I will not. There is no pattern... 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 according to your drunken sailor formula doesn't work on SB. But have you seen on DIFFERENCE OF MODULES OF PRIRACES such long unchanged signs? And how long are they? The most evidently purely random process is described in "the problem about the drunken sailor": a sailor leaves an inn and makes N steps in absolutely random direction. The question is: at what distance is he most likely to take these N steps? It is proved that the distance is proportional to the square root of N. It is remarkable that this dependence - proportionality to the square root - does not depend on the dimensionality of the problem (!), i.e. the sailor goes along a straight line (one-dimensional problem), along the plane or in space (two or three-dimensional problems) - all the same proportional to the root of the number of steps (or the root of time to the reference!) So: we take this dependence (proportionality of distance from the starting point) as the measure of a purely random process.

Once again, be warned against making a mistake: "DON'T PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE". The coin will fall in a REMOTE pattern, even if you turn it inside out.

All other effects are STATISTICAL,... present only "on a piece of paper" and CANNOT IMPACT THE RESULT OF A FUTURE Toss.

But to use some kind of STATISTICAL PROPERTY of the sequence is an entirely different conversation. I can't argue anything against trying to use the NON-LINEARITY of a particular process. For example, if Excel PRNG at distances +4 and -36 gives on the average a ratio of frequencies of reaching these levels 10:1, and at distances +10 and -20 is practically 2:1, it would be a sin not to use it. Quotes have their own STATISTICAL properties. But they do NOT change the probability of future events...

Oh, boy. You're a woman now.
I can't even begin to imagine the lengths a man has gone to...
Where's the dough? No pictures or results. It's like his time is coming... I thought he said something about two months...... Where's the money, bublakos??????
I shudder to think what the man had to do...
overstep! and go...
In fact, more than once in this thread about cointegration.... See the point of the system here. To build a synthetic tool and check it for cointegration.... Actually one of the things I bought for money (I mean software), and there were not many of them, I bought addon nox analytics for NSH. So, there was an interesting tool there, it was using cointegration to build a vector of ratio of Eura and filter frequencies. As a result, when you achieve this vector in a closed circle, there were parameters of the filter that could be used to raise as they say, but this situation did not last long on the market, a maximum of 5-8 signals. But you should agree that having these eight signals with more than 80 per cent probability is a key to success. So the sense of the attachment is to get a vector closed in a circle. It means that this type of harmonic filter is stationary. It is very difficult to get this kind of cointegrating vector because of impossibility to optimize it. Everything was done manually. But most likely, not everything can be achieved through optimization as well, since there are no stationary harmonics that would follow the market at a certain period of time. With news etc. So there you go.... kind of inspired by.....

have you come across any "dynamic synthetics" anywhere? I would read...

Dynamic synthetic is what?