Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 440


Well, at least someone has found the grail)))) But Drimmer will still say that the plant and cutlets are better)))

Well, it's Drimmer), he can not do otherwise)) He is like the final authority before the pass to the world of finance))))

Trading is a very boring business.

Exactly, the only thing worse than a factory


Trading is a very dull occupation.

It's better to go to a factory.

Any activity that seeks to multiply wealth is a very dull occupation.He who is rich is not the one who has everything, but the one who needs nothing) . In that sense, hippies and bums are happy in their own way, who don't watch the clock).

A little bit in the studio, it's boring on the forum.
Баблокос 2 : восставший из ТЛЕНА
Баблокос 2 : восставший из ТЛЕНА
  • 2019.04.25
Многие в своё время перечитывали ветку про не Грааль (баблокос) , решил открыть ветку-продолжение...

I don't get it. There are some excellent strategies that are consistently profitable. Why do these themes still exist?

What do we call the grail?! I mean, any strategy that you follow from start to finish... no matter what - they're profitable, some in the long run, some in the short run, whatever. Or who hasn't learned how to make money on a Forie yet?


I don't get it. There are some excellent strategies that are consistently profitable. Why do these themes still exist?

What do we call the grail?! I mean, any strategy that you follow from start to finish... no matter what - they're profitable, some in the long run, some in the short run, whatever. Or who hasn't learned how to make money on a Forie yet?

For example...


For example...

Well, you can't just do that! ))


For example...

Like what? Give you an example of a strategy, of which there are hundreds on the Internet?
Like what? Give an example of a strategy, of which there are hundreds on the Internet?

I agree that there are hundreds, but I doubt that many of them are consistently profitable. Can you dispel my doubts by giving me at least one example?


I agree that there are hundreds, but I doubt that many of them are consistently profitable. Can you dispel my doubts by giving me at least one example?

Hmm... You've really got me stumped now! Let me put it this way, all of the strategies I used were consistently profitable (otherwise why would they even exist (?!)). The main thing their proper use - do not enter early, do not exaggerate the expectations, etc., etc. And ... Are you yourself a trader? If so, you must be using some kind of strategy (you're not entering at random, are you?), and surely you're making a profit. Or am I mistaken? As for me, I have been using the channel one on bounces for a long time now, with my own modifications, of course.