Interesting and humorous - page 78


there's some equally gorgeous pictures from this author at the link.
Thanks, but I won't go.
If I had a work computer that could periodically change the backgrounds itself, maybe I would.

Scientists in the US have found that feeling fear of mathematical tasks can activate the area of the brain responsible for feeling physical pain.

The study found that in people who are particularly fearful of mathematical tasks, the anticipation of computational activity itself increases the activity of the area of the brain responsible for the sensation of physical pain. And the more nervous you are, the higher the corresponding neural activity


...a sense of dread of mathematical problems...

It's a madhouse of sorts. That reminds me:

When I was 16 years old, at a 'professional selection', we sat around for four hours and put tic-tac-toe numbers in the questionnaires.
Some of the questions were very extravagant, like:

- Are you afraid of stepping on chaff on the pavement?
- Do you look down the toilet after... ?

Only these two come to mind, it was a long time ago.


It's a madhouse of sorts. That reminds me:

When I was 16 years old, at a 'professional selection', we sat around for four hours and put tic-tac-toe numbers in the questionnaires.
Some of the questions were very extravagant, like:

- Are you afraid of stepping on chaff on the pavement?
- Do you look down the toilet after... ?

I only remember these two, it was a long time ago.

Dali had some sort of diary in which he recorded many things, including what he saw "after the fact..."

Take a look, you won't regret it:



"There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, get it?"

I've seen photoshopped pictures of Medvedev and Putin over and over again. What is this passion for making scapegoats out of them? Does it really feel good to mock people?

Where are the people?


Where are the people?

Some of his contemporaries used to say that it was a pity that all those who knew how to run the state properly were already working as dishwashers, janitors, taxi drivers, etc...