Interesting and humorous - page 13


Fans of fractal interpolation of the mathematical model of the market and other technical masturbation are welcome...

for (int i = 0; i < комната.объекты.size(); i++){
    Object object = комната.объекты.get(i);
    if (object instanceof Кошка) 
      Кошка кошка = (Кошка) object;
      if (кошка.getColor().getColor().equals(Color.BLACK))
        System.out.println("НАЙДЕНА КОШКА");
        Cage cage = new Cage(/* указываем размеры и прочую фигню*/);
        System.out.println("СОЗДАНА КЛЕТКА");
        System.out.println("КОШКА В ЧЕРНОЙ КЛЕТКЕ, ИЩИТЕ КЛЕТКУ В КОМНАТЕ");

Skype is FOR the legalisation of soft drugs!!!

Surprised... :)) They have long been legalised in commercials for cola gum, deodorants etc. They show pictures like this that can't be explained by anything other than getting high. It's pink elephants or angelic girls falling at your feet from the sky.
you've got angelic girls falling at your feet from heaven.
Let me see, I don't have Skype.
Surprised... :)) They have long been legalised in commercials for cola gum, deodorants etc. They show pictures like this that can't be explained by anything other than getting high. It's pink elephants or angelic girls falling at your feet from the sky.
Let me see, I don't have Skype.
Yeah, on the telly! The man sprayed on deodorant and such angelic chicks with wings fell out of the sky at the smell that I was afraid for him. Clearly he couldn't handle them all, even with the dope.
Let me see, I don't have Skype.

That's terrible. Drugs in cans are already being sold. How to live ...

dedicated to smokers of all sorts



A kindergarten-aged boy is fidgeting on the bench in the electric train. He is excited, clenching his fists, impatiently interrupting his mother. And she reads to him with expression a grim scene from a fairy tale:

"Cipollino, Cipollino, son!" - called out, looking around confusedly, the poor old man as the soldiers led him away...

- All right, that's enough! - The boy's indignation had reached its limit. - Why do they put up with it?!

- Well Prince Limon has a big guard, an army...

- But there are more of them! There are many of them! - The boy is desperate. - What are they doing?!

Mum is trying to find a soothing remark when the man opposite takes a break from his newspaper and, glancing over his glasses at the revolutionary boy, says in a loud, clear voice:

- Because they are vegetables. It's a story about vegetables...


...- Because they're vegetables. It's a story about vegetables...
That's the sadistic way of "putting your fingers in their capitalist wounds"...