Interesting and humorous - page 9

A steam locomotive is at least twice as efficient as an electric locomotive.

Can you show me the calculations?

I think that's over-optimistic. It is unlikely that an LED is an order of magnitude more efficient than an energy-saving one... Although if you look at the price, yes, it should be.
I once estimated the efficiency of an incandescent bulb (that was long ago, when I was a sophomore). It was about 5%, like the efficiency of a steam locomotive. Well, then the LED bulb's efficiency is higher than 100%. Perpetuum mobile.

Don't pick on it, it's from a housewife show. Besides, an 11W energy-saving doesn't shine like a 75W incandescent, no matter what they promise. I have them next to each other, and there's no doubt about the difference.
But the order is basically as written. I can tell by the LED torch, which I forgot when I charged it.
Strange... I thought a steam locomotive had an efficiency closer to 80%. At least if you count from energy consumption. A steam locomotive is at least twice as efficient as an electric locomotive.

Show me the calculations?
Why calculations? It costs 50% less to deliver electricity across the vast expanse of Russia.
Why the calculation? It costs 50% less to deliver electricity across the vast expanse of Russia.

You'd think coal or wood would reach a steam locomotive without kickbacks:)
Why the calculation? It costs 50% less to deliver electricity across the vast expanse of Russia.

So you don't have the calculations.

Electric locomotives have an efficiency of 88-90% with a total traction efficiency of around 22-24% (taking into account the efficiency of CHP or HPP, traction substations, transmission lines and overhead lines). The energy return can be as high as 25% of traction energy consumption.
I remember reading that somewhere. Good article. Turns out my memory didn't fail me! :-))

Can I kill myself at the end, or better yet, at the beginning of the game, stick my fingers in a socket and drink poison?

You'd think coal or firewood would reach the locomotive without kickback, wouldn't you?)
Yes. Almost no loss. The steam locomotive is the most perfect mechanism for transportation that man has created.