Interesting and humorous - page 101

Are you in it?
Technically, I have an account. I don't like the format, so I don't use it much.

This was the 1001st post in the thread.

How likely is it that Putin will send Medvedev's government to hell tomorrow? To resign.
The same as today.
How likely is it that Putin will send Medvedev's government to hell tomorrow? To resign.

Can you calculate the cost per litre?

How long did the process take?

And most importantly, how many degrees does it have in the balls?

The cost of 2 litres:

1) water 2 litres. - conditionally free :) ;

2) honey 300 g. - I bought 3 litres in August for 1000 rubles, that's about 5 kg, i.e. ~60 rubles;

3) 5 g hop cones. - a pack of 30g in a pharmacy costs ~ 60 roubles, so that's 10 roubles worth of hops for the starter;

4) baker's yeast 1 tsp - I don't remember, but it's also not more expensive than 5 rbl;

5) cinnamon and nutmeg - I do not even know how to determine the cost of a pinch of both.

Total, the cost of 2 litres of about 75 rubles.

In terms of time the process took as in that recipe: 5 days in the pot + 5 days in a closed bottle. I did not steamed, poured into a plastic bottle (2.5 l) from mineral water.

I didn't measure the degrees, it felt stronger than beer. The effect is like champagne, a little tipsy and a quick release. In the big doses did not drink (did not give willing to try :) ), but a glass at a dinner is very pleasant.

But this is for those who like dry wine.

Own production is definitely cheaper, and you don't have to worry about quality.....

It's OK! McDonald's will take everyone!...
PapaYozh, sever32

There's no need to use natural honey. It ferments anyway. I can teach you how to make artificial honey, which is very close to natural honey in its properties. Many of those who make it, do not know how to do it, so you get a fake, which is derided on the Internet at almost every site devoted to honey.

You just have to know how to make it. The most common mistakes are adding too much acid, caramelization due to high temperatures, using synthetic colorings and flavorings, not fully converting sucrose into fructose and glucose, and not using natural herbal additives.

As for hops, they can simply be planted in the countryside. It grows well, doesn't need much sun or fertiliser. It can be planted as we have, it grows along the fence and takes up almost no space.