TA or something you don't know about. - page 57



I will offer my understanding of "Context".

Context, in terms of prediction, is a kind of classification attribute that significantly affects the results of statistics.

For example we're trying to find the recurrent situations after which the price goes up or down in 80%. Suppose we have found formal indicators that clearly show the situation that was repeated in the history, for example, 1000 times. In 850 or hundred cases, the price went up (or down) by N points. We naively believe that if it happened on the history, , then it will continue to happen :)

It seems that everything is fine - we can trade. But at a closer inspection we notice that, for example, 850 "good" cases are separated by time, and 150 "bad" cases appear in series, as the result of which the deposit can be completely lost. And so we face an idea to detect and somehow identify those parts of the chart, on which the identified pattern works and on which it does not. And this is where the notion of context comes from.

I.e. context can be used as an additional filter or a classification characteristic.

I think so))

Just theses.

I realise I'm talking to myself, but I should have spoken up - on the weak side.

4. important - time, presence

6. The context is known (if not blind) the task of TA is prediction (predictions are short lived and lose power over time).

7. as it went, so it will go (out of contingency).

8. The practice is as follows.... in the basis of FA the rest is based on FA . Well done! (which of the 3 fridges has beer hidden in it? - given one try).


8. The practice is as follows.... FA basis the rest is based on FA . Well done! (which of the 3 fridges has beer hidden in it? - one try)

+100500. On the plus side, there's this page.

It seems to me that either the trolls here are sharpened for incorrigibility, or the banshees, for whom there is no reality.

Here's how else...

It's raining outside. This is the context. You put on your galoshes, open your umbrella and go about your business. Or you stay at home. You're adequate.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to live in something that has NOT yet begun! Just like ANALYZING and TRADING.

Hey! What are you sniffing? Are you even WHERE?

If you THERE (where you think you are) enjoy hallucinating, I have NOTHING against it. But come on, then, let's have a bang for your sense of balance, rather than writing weak-minded posts! You'll talk to each other in the astral.

By golly, they're crazy.


Can't argue... A pivot is a definite and complete figure, it is one after each movement...

And continuation is every new point on a line of movement, and there are an infinite number of such points on the line...

I.e. the ratio of continuations to reversals is like infinity to 1.

However, we do not live in the quantum world and we are interested in real segments. Consequently, we may think differently and take into account the continuations, for example, as the motion on already completed length, then every motion divided in half has only one continuation.

Thus, there are equal quantity of continuations and reversals.

Again it cannot be argued. As well as with the fact that both are absolutely useless.

And the question was and still is: how to determine whether a movement is complete or should we wait for a continuation?

It's not simple. It's very simple.

1-2-3 is a reversal pattern: the price breaks the level of the point 2, which indicates a reversal.

1-2 - a trend continuation pattern: the price breaks the level of point 1, which indicates the end of the correction and resumes the movement in the old direction.

Both patterns start to form in the same way. :)


Peter, by golly, I didn't mean to. Coincidence. Leaving.


I don't care. Do you want a one-two-three against the wind or do you want a light - do you have a lighter? - how much is in the tank?"

Can't shoot for everyone. Not the Saviour.


Leaving, gone. :)


There is no way to see into the future. Leave it. Or take it. Along with another batch of psilocybe.

In THIS world, everything has a causal relationship, and therefore, purely from this, causality, has inertia. Everything that once started (again started - past tense - carried pa?) has a continuation (present). If that's not enough for you - sorry - keep smoking.

How do you determine the beginning? How do you see that what started continues? How do you realise that what you hoped for is long in the past?

What, familiar questions in life? Yes?

So why the hell do you think trading is something out of an altered reality with the disrupted synapses of an addict?

The answers to all those questions are TA. But you're not interested in that. You want to go to the fortune teller...


It seems to me that either the trolls here are sharpened for incorrigibility, or the banshees, for whom there is no reality.

Here's how else...

It's raining outside. This is the context. You put on your galoshes, open your umbrella and go about your business. Or you stay at home. You're adequate.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to live in something that has NOT yet begun! Just like ANALYZING and TRADING.

Hey! What are you sniffing? Are you even WHERE?

If you THERE (where you think you are) enjoy hallucinating, I have NOTHING against it. But then let's have a bang for your senses, rather than writing feeble-minded posts! You'll talk to each other in the astral.

By golly, they're crazy.

or the fairies are just imagining things...

Peter! Nobody walks barefoot in winter any more, Porfiry Ivanov used to walk, he had his own TS (profitable), there were followers too. And now in summer, on skates! - So these are rollers with wheels (are you looking at the street through a bottle glass?). Now we're going to analyse the rain.

(secret) here we are HERE !!!

in a bind.

So what don't we know?