[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 254

vegetate >>:

аа.. дошкольники. тогда 4 и 1.

And who would call a 1-year-old a preschooler? And 4 isn't much, either.

And why does a product have to be a square?

Remove unnecessary information:


Two maths buddies meet:

- All good, two pre-schooler sons growing up.
- How old are they?
- The older one looks like his mother.

Richie >>:

Where did you lose the pigeons?


A cylindrical hole 6 cm long is drilled through the centre of the ball. What is the volume of the remaining part of the balloon?


A certain logician decided to spend his holiday travelling on the southern seas. One day he found himself on an island, which, as usual in such problems, was inhabited by a tribe of liars and a tribe of truthful natives. Members of the first tribe always lied, members of the second tribe always told only the truth. The traveler came to the place where the road bifurcated and had to ask a native who happened to be nearby, which of the two roads led to the village. The traveler could not know whether the native he met was a liar or a truthful person. However, the traveler thought about it, asked him a single question, and after answering it, he knew which road to take. What question did the traveller ask?


Imagine that you have three boxes. In one there are two black balls, in the second two white balls and in the third one there is one black ball and one white ball. The boxes were labeled HF, PB and GB according to their contents, but someone mixed them up and now each box is labeled with an inscription that does not correspond to the contents. To find out which balls are in each of the three boxes, you are allowed to take one ball out of the box and, without looking inside, put it back in. What is the minimum number of balls you have to take out to determine with certainty the contents of all the boxes?


A young man lives in Manhattan near an underground station. He has two girls he knows. One of them lives in Brooklyn and the other in the Bronx. When he goes to see the girl from Brooklyn, he takes the train that comes to the platform from the city centre side. When he goes to the girl from the Bronx, he takes the train going downtown. Since he likes both girls equally, he simply takes the train that comes first. Thus, he relies on chance to choose where to go. The young man arrives at the station every Saturday at a different time. Both to Brooklyn and to the Bronx trains run at the same 10-minute interval. Nevertheless, for some unknown reason, he spends most of his time with the girl from Brooklyn; on average, nine of every ten trips are to Brooklyn. Try to guess why Brooklyn has such a huge advantage.

Mathemat >>:

И кто назовет дитё возрастом 1 год дошкольником? Да и 4 - тоже маловато.

И почему произведение должно быть квадратом?

Because why would you specify that one of them is older? So it is possible that the product of two identical numbers is a square.

The nearest field of 4 squared is 9, but then the variants 3*3 and 1*9, 9 years old, should already be in school. At least in mathematics. 16 - options 4*4, 2*8, 1*16 - also a bit late for a pre-schooler.

TheXpert писал(а) >>

Where are the pigeons lost?

It is not known how many pigeons there are, so the problem cannot be solved exactly. School age also starts at the age of 6 for some, 7 for others. One resembles the mother - so he is probably older. The children are most likely 4 and 1 year old, but there is little data.

TheXpert >>:

Где голубей потерял?


Через центр шара просверлено цилиндрическое отверстие длиной 6 см. Каков объем оставшейся части шара?

What happened to the breed?

Richie >>:

Голубей неизвестно сколько, поэтому задача не может быть решена точно. Школьный возраст тоже для кого с 6 для кого с 7 лет начинается. Один похож на мать - значит он скорее всего старше.

You try and start solving it, then you'll figure it out
TheXpert писал(а) >>

A cylindrical hole 6 cm long is drilled through the centre of the ball. What is the volume of the remaining part of the ball?

Where is the diameter of the ball?

Richie >>:

А где диаметр шара?

Or at least the diameter of the hole.

Richie >>:

А где диаметр шара?

6 366 km