Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 202


Practical advice for traders: In order not to lose deposits, you need to withdraw profits from time to time.

I withdrew $7,835, which is 38.2% of the deposit, I made an "artificial correction".

I will withdraw the next profit when it will reach 261.8% of the previous wave.

Withdrawal request

Yeah, judging by the vigorous reaction of detractors, probably the first time they see the trade with a permanent profit, :o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Conclusion suggests itself: the most active star traders or trade without profit, or just demchiki ... ;о)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Tell us more about your participation in the Gay Pride parade in besieged Leningrad.
(Comes out all the time...) What do you know about the possibility of such a clown like me? I do not know what kind of deals that are chaotic and opposite to his predictions. He makes one type of forecast, expecting the euro at 1.34 but in the history of the account transaction at a couple of pips. Trading without stops, stop losses sitting for example on the euro pound, if people are correct, they say the drawdown is more than 600 pips and it is on the euro pound, one of the most retarded and low-latency pairs, well how did you get to sit that retarded euro pound get more than 600 pips of drawdown? Besides that he has a lot of smartasses, effrontery, desire to make fools of everyone, megalomania... those are not trader's qualities... Such people do not live long on the market. They do not have much success in it, they are interested in trading with traders. The trading is the least important for Nirobka; he wants to attract the suckers who buy his signals for the money. If they do not have enough money, they are asking for signals for a fee. Otherwise, he will use demos until he loses his pulse, and he will not find customers willing to pay for his signals))
E_mc2 >> :
It's grim, all right.

His firm even works with the North Korean stock market. You can make 1,000% a day there. There's nothing to talk about. The bigger the lie, the bigger the sucker.

E_mc2 >> :
.... Predicts one kind of expectation there euro at 1.34 but in the account history trades of a couple of pips. Trading without stops, overlapping losses, such as on the euro pound, if people counted correctly, they say the drawdown is more than 600 pips and it's on the euro pound one of the slowest ......

The trading robot managed to manipulate with pre-prepared screenshots as if they were real, but under the pressure of the public he had to show what he is really capable of. It turns out that the demo account is held with trembling hands. Hence the pips and the drawdown. Uncle Kolya is waiting for him with outstretched arms. With such an experience in forex, the results should be higher. Weak, you still need to learn. And those who do not know how to trade on the real market, the results may be impressive.

To make a long story short. Okoroforex cheat. :))) The poor devil is floundering in the slop and will not drown.
Pegasmaster писал(а) >>

Everyone here trades on their own. But what about "trading according to a system"? Which one? Which one did you start a branch on?

When Niroba at least opens and closes trades like that, then we can talk about the "system".

It is funny how smart guys start teaching us: you cannot trade that way and you should not trade that way either,

But when you ask an elementary question: "Since you know, show me how to do it!

and then they go right away... ...they all run away!

sad... :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

goldtrader писал(а) >>

Profit withdrawal is not visible on the magic screen.

"Trading" gold, there you go and you've burned yourself! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It's a bit late to wipe your post, luckily it's already been answered ;o)

From the time you apply to the time the money arrives in your bank account

it takes a few days, and if you don't know the basic things

which any trader should know, it means that you've never withdrawn a profit,

If you've never withdrawn a profit, it means you're constantly losing, although it's quite possible

You don't even have a trading account, do you? :о),

If you're constantly losing, it means you have no trading strategy, and if you have no trading strategy,

then there's nothing left to do but pi....Z....dabble on this forum.

Envy, my friend, is evil! ;о)))))))))))))))))


Alex, can you take a screenshot of the terminal where the withdrawal is already in place? Just for interest. The previous screenshot from MT shows only deposits but no withdrawals.


It's funny how smart people start teaching: this is not the way to trade and this is not the way to trade either,

but when you ask a simple question: "If you know, show me how!", boom, you're right back to square one... :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

A picture of the trades was attached to my post. That is the answer to your elementary question.

You refuse to monitor the score, so I can only show you screenshots of "how it should be".

So what kind of "backtracking" are you talking about here? Asking a question after getting an answer is not very smart

Alexan писал(а) >>

Alex, can I have a screenshot ...

We need a new branch:

"Magic screenshots of NIROBA with commentary by the author."
