EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 962

Kurapetich >>:

1.3630 Вот где вопрос. Нужно смотреть у кого сколько сил будет. Но банки могут и хвост сделать, и обратно. Завтра послезавтра будет понятнее.

ehhh... I'm taking a serious risk to take the Bank then!!! but I'm locking myself in, I'm not sure till the end. BUT there is a fraction of that visible to the south!
EricGR писал(а) >>

ehhh... I'm taking a serious risk to take the Bank then!!! but I'm hedging with locks, not sure till the end. BUT there is a fraction of that seen south!

Be careful, and in my opinion a market reversal of 1.4220 is ripe for the upside


For those holding longs on the euro. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) reports do not see the big players changing their mood yet...

Looks like the drop in the Euro is only half way to the target. To illustrate the picture, the net positions of the so-called "operators" (red) and "non-commercial traders" (blue) in the open interest USD. The fall of 2008 and the current fall are marked with vertical lines....

We'll see tomorrow - down or still correcting up..... but up seems to be a correction.....
Greece is the stumbling block. To help or not to help (bankrupt it and hand it over to the IMF), that is the question which must be decided by the end of the week. If they do, we go down; if they do, we go up.

Galina pips correctly predicted - that's how trends should be predicted

Many pages earlier I wrote that the correction will end at 1.3805

this is 50% of the Fibo level i think this will be the turning point i.e. the top at which the eu will not consolidate

in case of an impulse the next significant level is at 3849-3857

good place for a sell entry

baltik >>:

Галина пипс правильно предсказал - вот так бы тренды предсказывать

Многими страницами ранее я писал что коррекция завершится на 1,3805

это 50% уровня фибо думаю это и стнет точкой разворота т.е.е вершиной на которой евр не закрепится

в случае возникновения импульса следующий значимый уровень фибо на 3849-3857

вообщем хорошее место для входа в селл

I agree, but there is still the possibility of going higher...... let it not help Greece)))))

good morning all. who can tell me when the summit will be over and the results will be available?
odiseif >>:
доброе утро всем.кто подскажет когда самит закончится и результаты будут

They will go home on Saturday, as I understand it, but I think it will become clear today.

I'm in the Village ! It's business as usual ! Many are starting to doubt the further fall, thinking of a global U-turn. What U-Turn? It's just a correction to the previous fall! Stops will be knocked down and we'll go further down!