EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 311

Is your dad by any chance Chernomyrdin?
gip писал(а) >>
Isn't your daddy Chernomyrdin?

>>How did you know?

Family resemblance :)
Who am I, your PAPA?
Pontiff Benedict XVI :)
Helen писал(а) >>

A year... Three... Eight years soon... Farther and farther away from the waves... Not as a matter of principle, but... for needlessness.

Who is this "someone"? I watched many interviews with famous traders, managers of funds and noticed some strange reactions of these characters to questions about the "wave theory" ... They start to avert their eyes, shuffle papers on the table, nervously kick their feet, etc.. then, with their chests full of air, delicately state that they don't deny the theory... And you can see that they choose their words carefully... so as not to inadvertently use the swear words. Of course, maybe it was just an impression :)

And the glass is shaking...

I'm personally against all sorts of wave theories. Fifty-fifty is like a finger in the sky.

forte928 писал(а) >>

I understand it when you listen to the advice of others and you realize that you have done wrong, so when you listen to others you need to understand it better so that advice would not be a guide for you to act ... Everyone has to choose the decisions that he thinks are right.

By the way, I have come to this forum to read nonsense and reassure myself of the validity of my system, nothing personal, if anyone thought anything)

gip писал(а) >>
Pontiff Benedict XVI.)

I see what your "image" reminds me of...


Gentlemen, here's a picture of a multi. The base currencies are balanced... For what? Although I may be blowing on water... ...but it's kind of necessary to be prepared.

Helen писал(а) >>

I don't get it... So at 14730 we closed Friday... I think...

I don't know where you Helen saw 1.4730 on Friday, but from the beginning of the trading the price reached this level and turned around towards 1.4680...

This point could be seen only when the price reached the first pivot point...