EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1545

I think the timetable today is trying to fool everybody, both barers and sellers...
mixo_lexus >>:
мне кажца график сёдня пытается всех надуть и баеров и селлеров..

You're right...
GBPCAD has received a buy signal.
strangerr >>:
Такой фигни еще не видел и не слышал.))))

What is your first indicator after the main chart?

Midas09 >>:

Какой у Вас первый индикатор после основного графика?

Stochastic 14, 3, 7
strangerr >>:

Стохастик 14, 3, 7

Thanks but I've already seen..... )

Can you give me a link to the second one?
Hello all .....Galina I entered your Umis contest ... although I was 10 days late ..... Check it out ... I jumped to 46th place in a week ...yyyy
Midas09 >>:
Ана второй можете дать ссылку?
what's going on with EURBAX %)
both sell and buy....