EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1544

This is my opinion! It is no secret that in times of crisis it is beneficial for any country to keep its currency cheap! There are many ways to make it cheaper. One way is to keep interest rates low, but this leads to inflationary expectations, which in turn has a negative effect on the economy. There is also a political economy method which does not usually lead to inflation The realisation of this method we are currently seeing in the situation in Greece. This is the card that Germany wants to play on panic sentiment to push the eu as low as possible. This is profitable but whether the americans will allow this to happen is something that will be resolved in the coming hours or days
Alex_Xv писал(а) >>

Well, you don't have to enter the whole depot)))

I don't care how much I'm in, I'm still going crazy.
Vlad72 писал(а) >>

If I'd gone in like you at 3552 buy, I'd have been paralysed by now.

i got a good feeling about this. i got a good feeling that you are a real trader. i got a good feeling about this.
Galina >>:

ну значит вам еще многому придется научится :)

Galina, if you have not noticed, I have not a stop loss, but a sell stop and I don't really care whether the price goes up or down to 1.30 or 1.00, so who and what to learn, we will see when your stops are hit.
who knows where Forte is?
can't hear him....
Fibo >>:

енто ты здря! ежли чел реально верит в 1,41 щаз, то стоп 1,34 нормальная практика. конце концов каждый торгует по своему и в конечном итоге выбирает объем сделки по стоплоссу и пониманию того сколько он может потерять. значит его сие устраивает.

Don't stop.
Do you think a sell stop is better than a stop?
I'll see how you do it, I have my doubts that you can do it :)))
Galina >>:
А вы считаее, что селл стоп лутше стопака ???
Ну посмотрю я как вы с ним сравитесь, большие у меня сомнения что у вас это выйдет :)))

Galina, I won't lose more than 152pp in any case, if you have to explain that too, I'll pass.
Galina >>:
А вы считаее, что селл стоп лутше стопака ???
Ну посмотрю я как вы с ним сравитесь, большие у меня сомнения что у вас это выйдет :)))

OK, BREAK. Waiting for price to pass this level.... And then we'll be pounding the sides.....

It's all in this tension.... and all we have to do is wait a little longer.... until we leave this r .... е 1.3450.....

On the clock the orders keep shifting to the sell side. Already 60 to 40 to the sell side.

Never seen or heard such bullshit before.))))