EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1490

forte928 писал(а) >>

I will analyze the indicators to facilitate analysis...but after the weekend I think with my boyfriend we will analyze 10 we decided on the date of the master class...

No no urgency, I just have a lot of poses on this pair,
I wanted to see what they think, and from that we can compare and draw conclusions.

forte928 >>:

народ кажется четверг програму максисум невыполнила..
наше падение к точке 1.3545 по двум методам сходиться..
Двойная вершина и перевернутый флаг, а рядом 23 фибо

AutoFibo.mq4 does not want to work, forte not share the file? I suspect that I have not working probably just ... or put it in the wrong place (put it in the folder scripts)


this is also one of the pairs analysed at the weekend...

Guys a link about GREECE if anyone is interested.

Fibo >>:

думаю рановато ещё, но всё может быть...

why aren't you buying/selling by level? ) Huh? on a repeat course?

Galina >>:

Ребята ссыль про ГРЕЦИЮ, если кому интересно.

there's also Obama signing the anti-unemployment bill into law. There's supposed to be a reaction soon

oleniknik писал(а) >>

there's also Obama signing the anti-unemployment bill into law. There's supposed to be a reaction soon

The idea is that the more money Amery prints, the cheaper it will become...
But unfortunately no one knows how much they actually print and put into the market.
Money supply (this data often comes out), unfortunately, is calculated so that the real numbers it hides, as in principle, and many other indicators stunned by the public.
It is no secret that all this is a fake.
But sooner or later this bubble will burst, it is a pity that mere mortals cannot know when.

xeox >>:

У меня AutoFibo.mq4 не хочет работать, форте не поделитесь файликом? Подозреваю что у меня не рабочий наверное просто.. или не туда закинул(закинул в папку scripts)

Expert folder, with the indicators folder in it

US: M2 money supply - $13.3 billion, M1 - $12.6 billion last week.

I understand that when the money supply shrinks, it's not bad for the currency, huh?

forte928 16.03.2010 18:51

syan писал(а) >>

i opened a short at 3725, i should have closed before 3:30 pm but i dont believe it will go back to 3600

I closed short before 15:00 but i dont think it will return to 3600 ... May i take offence but few days ago i showed the motion picture on the major waves and i saw clearly the whole movement up to 1.41. Yesterday's movement was accurate, today we will see how it will go further but all this movement is the completion of the third wave on the H4, further a pullback in the 4th wave, in the extreme we may see the 1.What do you think the main difference between you and me is that you don't know what the price is, I don't know how to do it.
So Forte, did we see 1.41? Was 3650 an edge? yesterday and today you predicted well, the day before not so well. How will you forecast tomorrow and the day after? "No offence", long-time forecaster...