EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1182

odiseif >>:
кстати еврофунт тоже разворачивается .....может ненадолго ....точно не скажу ..я в даль не смотрю ...но корекция точно шя будет

may yet hit a high of 30-50 pips or may not :), waiting for a correction as well...
Galina, the bottom is not yet formed. If we were to draw 5.02 on the average, the 50's hump would be where we will be getting stronger next week, so don't worry about it.
I'm still waiting for the fifth one to go down=))
Yes, it was mainly the euro that caused the surge. The dollar lost but not a penny.
Galina >>:

НУ вот и посмотрим !!!

А пока, по моей раскладке все происходит.


Galina, lows or highs? Bears only seem so cute and fluffy until his mother shows up.


heh well i'm sure those throws took out a lot of people yesterday/today... the bears took a big hit

I had a nice ride on the bay!
tomas911 >>:
Доллар снизился против евро и йены после того, как показатели продаж на вторичном рынке жилья США неожиданно снизились в январе, пошатнув веру в скорое восстановление американской экономики. Доллар ослаб против 15 из 16 наиболее активных валют после выхода показателей. Евро вырос, когда стало известно, что законодатели ФРГ обдумывают идею покупки греческих облигаций через государственную компанию KfW Group.

Of course there has to be an explanation.

I wrote 4 hours ago that the indicators are racing downwards. If you believe me, it will not be as intensive, but the real move will be downwards, probably on Monday. The move may be strong and real and if we stay there, down.... and down.... Galina, I am getting worried for you, I do not care if the trend goes upwards, I am not in the market.
strangerr >>:

Cледующая неделя покажет.)))

I agree, well the potential is up to 1.40, but upwards is unlikely)))))))