EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1186

I'll see - I need time
Not bad the other day - not bad at all

I find it hard to believe that the eu will rise

Bye, all.
strangerr >>:
Всем бай.

Is that an order, or...goodbye))
strangerr >>:
Всем бай.

To Galina Sell. See you all on Monday. Have a nice weekend. Don't lose any friends.

Good spring hunting to all !

Here's one last laugh for you guys :)))

The last picture really made me laugh !!!!

Come on in !

Have a nice weekend !!!

I laughed))thank you!
Galina >>:

Во ребят ВАм на последок, что бы посмеятся :)))

Меня последняя картинка сильно поглумила !!!!

Заходите !

Хороших Вам выходных !!!

The interesting thing, Galina, is that you were right about buying the Euro, it should have been bought on 25.02 at 16-20.00. And I am sitting like a jerk looking at different waves and figures on shallow timeframes.

But the pullback will be in the 3460-3540 area.
