EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2186

SEVER11 >>:
Сегодня пятница, готовимся к продолжению авторалли... :=)) Всем удачных профитов
Yes, and my doubts were resolved while I was out walking the dog.
strangerr писал(а) >>

C'est la vie.)))

Hi! Hope you managed to cover the sell in time? I did, thanks to a colleague. I opened almost there too. Got off with a minor scare and a small profit. Waiting...

Mon-Fri 21.05

- Strong influence.
- Medium impact.
- Low impact.

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
07:00 Japan Bank of Japan interest rate decision 0,10% 0,10% 0,10%
09:00 Japan Bank of Japan press conference
10:00 Germany Final GDP change first quarter 0.2% q/q 0.2% q/q
11:30 Germany Industrial purchasing managers' index May 61,6 61,5
11:30 Germany Purchasing managers' index in the service sector May 55,6 55,2
12:00 Germany IFO Business Climate Index May 101,9 101,6
12:00 Eurozone Balance of payments April -3.8bn -3.9 bn
12:00 Eurozone Industrial purchasing managers' index May 57,7 57,6
12:00 Eurozone Services purchasing managers' index May 55,5 55,6
12:30 UK Public sector borrowing volume April 11.2bn 23.5bn
12:30 UK Capital investment first quarter -4.3% qoq
12:30 UK Mortgage applications approved April 49K
12:30 UK Monetary aggregate M4 April 0.3% m/m 0.2% m/m
15:00 Canada Core CPI consumer price index April 0.3% m/m -0.2% m/m
15:00 Canada Consumer price index April 0.3% m/m 0.0% m/m
16:30 Canada Core retail sales index March 0.5% mom -0.1% m/m
16:30 Canada Retail sales March 0.2% m/m 0.5% m/m

Alexan >>:

Привет! Надеюсь успел прикрыть селл вовремя? Я успел, благодаря коллеге. Открылся почти там же. Отделался легким испугом и небольшой прибылью. Ждем-с...
Hi, you can see on the sreen that it was already standing at boo and closed at +34(5 digits).

I read your posts and see that some of them got lots... maybe you should rearrange stop-losses to the break-even zone sometimes? And no one cancelled the rule that the hen nibbles on the seed).

Good Luck and Profits to all)

Synexs >>:

Народ вот читаю Ваши сообщения и смотрю, что некоторые лосей схлопотали...может все же стоит иногда стоп-лиссы в зону безубыточности переставлять? Да и правило, что курочка о зернышку клюет никто еще не отменял)

Всем удачи и профитов)

There's a thread here about why traders are losing so you go there.
NikT_58 >>:
Тут есть ветка о том почему трейдеры сливают так Вам туда.
And where they're leaking to.))

Friday - special attention from 2pm to 7pm inclusive

NikT_58 писал(а) >>
There's a thread here about why traders are losing money.

Thank you) I just thought that such simple things are clear to everyone) but greed and the pursuit of super profits ruin us)...
Synexs >>:

Сасибо) просто думал, что такие элементарные выещи всем понятны) но жадность и погоня за сверхприбылью губят нас)...
If you start trading, put all your feelings on the shelf, otherwise you shouldn't.
odiseif >>:
по фунту автралийцу передышка будет на уровне 1,7763 примерно
good morning all .... you did not listen to me about the aussie pound and my system did not let me make a mistake again .... 500 pips overnight bounced