EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1686

strangerr >>:

Вроде бы да, только пятой точки еще нет, почитай о рассчете точек и целей в моделях Вульфа.

Where do you think point 5 should be
bariga >>:

Где по вашему должна быть точка 5

Yochanh Babai, I told you - read it.
On trendline 1-3, 2\3 distances 1-3 from point 3. It's not mine, it's Wolf's.

You're probably thinking that you've found the right model, drawn one or two lines, and it should work.)) I will disappoint you - no. Because there are specific rules of construction (in numbers), rules for calculating points and targets (there is more than one target), calculation of time to reach targets, rules for opening a trade on the model, etc.
strangerr >>:

Йоханый бабай, я же говорил - почитай.
По трендовой линии 1-3, 2\3 расстояния 1-3 от точки 3. Это не по моему,это по Вульфу.

Starting from the top or base on the bar chart, we determine the starting point of our new wave countdown. This countdown is done for the buy pattern. We start counting from the top. (The counting of waves would be done in reverse if we were starting from the base, trying to find a sell pattern).

Wave number 2 is the top.

Wave number 3 is the base of the first decline,

Wave number 1 is the base preceding wave 2 (top). Point 3 should be lower than point 1.

Wave number 4 is the top of wave 3. The point of wave 4 shall be above the base of wave 1 A trend line is drawn from point 1 to point 3.

Extending this line projects the expected pivot point, which we will call wave 5. This is the entry point for the move to the estimated final price line (1-4). Estimated Price at Arrival (EPA), the trend line drawn from point 1 to point 4, allows us to project our expected price target. Our initial stop is placed just below the newly formed reversal at point It can then quickly move to the breakeven point.

IMPORTANT: you cannot start looking for a "Wolf wave" until points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are formed. Remember, for a buy pattern, point 3 must be below point I. For a sell pattern, it must be above point 1. Also, on the best waves, point 4 will be above point 1 for the buy pattern and below 1 for the sell pattern. This ensures that there is no absolute market runaway condition.

I have read that for the best models the 1-3-5 spacing should be the same. I haven't read about that anywhere. Where did that come from?
strangerr >>:
Вы думаете, наверное, что нашел подходящую модель, провел одну две линии, и это должно работать.))) Я вас разочарую - нет. Потому что есть конкретные правила построения(в цифрах), правила рассчета точек и целей(цель не одна), рассчет времени достижения целей, правила открытия сделки по модели и т.д.

If you can tell me about these rules please
bariga >>:

Если можно поведайте мне об этих правилах плиз

Shall I put it all on the forum? )))) People won't understand, and I'm not ready to write "War and Peace".)
That's why Google.

strangerr >>:

Мне, что все изложить прямо на форуме?)))) Народ не поймет, да и я не готов "Войну и мир" писать.)))
Поэтому Гугль.

Show then with a concrete example (drawing) how it should be i.e. the assumed correct model

bariga >>:

Покажите тогда на конкретном примере( рисунке) как должно быть т.е предполагаемую правильную модель

I didn't say that the model is wrong. It's just that when you draw a pattern, you have to specify the actions on it: entry, target, stop. On this one, the movement has already started, because, as I wrote before, the 5th wave is often not worked out in the Wolf models, the movement target is 1.3345, the time of reaching it is approximately 4.45 am, a stop or buy stop, as one likes, is put in the place where the 5th point + spread, 1.3427 +2 = 1.3429. In the models with the 5th wave formed, the size of the stop is one third of the size of the tp. The second target of this model is 1.3331.

Here's an interesting model. Seems not quite up to par, but it worked. Anyway, thanks for the info.