"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 15

Richie писал(а) >>

Reading and reading the topic, I just want to add to the title of the topic: "apples don't fall in the sky " :)

Zeland's apples do.

By the way, interesting point -- on the first 4 pages of Onyx monitoring sorted by %equity only one confirmed.

Great reason to wonder about the honesty of their owners.

TheXpert писал(а) >> Big reason to wonder about the integrity of their owners.

Unfortunately, everything in our country is sold and everything is bought. >> C'est la vie .... )))
TheXpert писал(а) >>

By the way, interesting point -- on the first 4 pages of Onyx monitoring sorted by %equity only one confirmed.

Big reason to wonder about the honesty of their owners.

What do you mean confirmed? Is mine https://www.mql4.com/go?http://www.onix-trade.net/?act=monitoring_stat&xid=11439 confirmed? :D) I think it's even on the front page :)
TheXpert писал(а) >>

and how does this one work out? If it's not there, then my integrity is automatically in doubt? :)
Avals >>:

и как этот approved получается?

The password to access the account must end with onx. Changing the password confirms ownership of the account.

If I don't have one, then my honesty is automatically in doubt? :)

Something like that :) .
TheXpert писал(а) >>

The password for accessing the account must end with onx. Changing the password confirms ownership of the account.

Sort of :) .

Change investment password to have "onx" at the end? >> I'll try...

TheXpert wrote :>>

Sort of :) .

And how come there are a couple of honest uproarers among hundreds of scammers :)

P.S. got it, now I'm honest too :)


Avals писал(а) >>

P.S. It worked, now I'm honest too :)

Now I'm a total believer :)
Dimoncheg >>:
У меня на одной из МТС такаяже ерунда, система ловит затяжные тренды от 400 пипов и выще, ММ решил попробовать увеличивать шагами на множитель по мере роста депозита до определенной суммы, начинает топтаться на месте как раз когда переходишь на следуший шаг, так как ложные входы гасят увеличение лота обратно в итоге и происходит это топтание, отключаешь такой ММ и прибыль начинает расти

It may help someone to increase a lot by a step not as the deposit grows to a certain amount, but as the difference between left and right points of the linear regression line calculated by equity over the required time period grows, and to avoid triggering, apply only "lot + minimum step" to the lot.

I hope I made my point clear enough...