Testing real-time forecasting systems - page 88


to Yurixx.

Yes I did manage to see your post. You should not be mad at me, it's not fair and especially not about that thread. Sergiy communicated so cleverly that I did not immediately understand ... he only posted the first material on page 4 ... like a surprise ...

As for the context - let me have an opinion, I hope you won't feel too bad about it. Good for you.

PS: I guess we're getting old together. :o( And this is sad, I thought that only I am getting old and you, for example - only getting younger.


Well, if you saw it, it was meant to be.

I don't feel bad about your outbursts, and I don't think Sergei does either.

I just do not understand why the urge to "get into my hair. :-)

It would seem that we have known each other for a long time (all of us) and should understand each other.

Not to mention appreciating fellow wrestlers.

Yurixx >>:

У меня твои выпады переживаний не вызывают, судя по всему у Сергея тоже.

Просто непонятно откуда такое стремление "вцепиться в волосА". :-)

Казалось бы не первый год друг друга знаем (мы все) и должны были бы понимать друг друга.

Не говоря уже о том, чтобы ценить соратников по борьбе.

If you read carefully - Sergei wrote the following:

I need criticism, it's the only way not to get into a tizzy.

And exactly for the reasons described by you and not to let Sergey get into the bad zone - I started to criticize. And quite objectively, and no offensive words spoken, unlike some who do not understand ...

Well, if you saw it, it was the right thing to do.

Apparently yes, I learned a lot about you :o)


Well, yes, as they say "we wanted to do better, but it turned out as usual" (C) I overdid it somewhere with the innovations. I have tested it on EURUSD M15 (a very difficult spot) for 50 samples on every bar (it's always how I test my forecasting system)

The system has lost stability :o(

test.rar  64 kb
Farnsworth >>:

Ну да, как говориться "хотели сделать лучше, а получилось как всегда" (С) Где то я перестарался с новшествами. Тест на EURUSD M15 (довольно сложный участок), на каждом баре (я так всегда тестирую систему прогноза) в течении 50 шт (половина суток)

Система потеряла стабильность :о(

Oops... Did you change your "nickname"?

Lord_Shadows >>:

Ой... Ты сменил "ник"?

Yeah, I wanted to register like that a long time ago, but out of habit: (I told you about it here once).

When registering, I wanted to write in gold letters in the history of the forum "Fantsworth" (rather more like this senile scholar of the way of thinking and "past"), but habit is second nature. A long, long time ago, when I got my first job, the administrator, who came from a terrible bunk trying to start talking, only managed to dicks to say something vaguely resembling grasn. So the parasite inscribed me, and when in the evening he learned to speak again, he refused to rename me "terminator", the bastard :o). And I, frankly, didn't give a damn, so I just forgot. But the habit remained.


Taki, apart from simple typos, found errors in my probability-wave transfer function. It will take some time to sort out. The level of 1.42 was passed, but later than expected, the quote even went lower. But all this time my "waves of probability" showed "the price will be there, the price will be there". Anyway, probability is probability in Africa.

After arranging frogs, bats, spreading incense and not forgetting to kick my black cat - I make a mini-prognosis: a high probability of 1.41144 level will be passed during Monday on the euro-usd. Or maybe not at all. The thing is - chance rules everything. :о)

and my system reads around 46 +\- ^_^
а у мну система кажит в район 46 +\- ^_^

Oddly enough - there is no contradiction, it may well be. My figure is the result of a single "clone" calculation from the base system. Over a day, a quote can "wiggle" as you like, and the calculated figure is some kind of most possible accumulation of increments in a statistical sense. I.e. in this case it is not a search for the maximum range, but a very careful estimate of the superposition of increments (+) and increments (-), i.e. a kind of averaged bias.

PS: I forgot to add, the averaging is also based on the magnitude of the increments, i.e. some average is taken for all possible increments

eeeh, Sergei, when are we going to see the mt version?)