What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 10

Ballistika has an undeniable advantage over us in the topic of intuition because, unlike us men, God has given women the gift of intuition immeasurably more than us men.
It depends on what the advantage is, lovova. I'm not arguing about ballistika specifically. But about the advantage of girls over boys - very debatable: there are very few girls in forex. Usually they run away from it to less risky instruments. I'm not talking about all of them, of course.
Ballistika has an undeniable advantage over us in the topic of intuition because, unlike us men, God has given women the gift of intuition immeasurably more than us men.

Is that why there are so few women in the Forex market?
It depends on what the advantage is, lovova. I'm not arguing about ballistika. But about the advantage of girls over boys is very debatable: there are very few girls in forex. They usually run away from it to less risky instruments. I don't mean all of them, of course.
The advantage is that a woman can sense the danger to her deposit in her "gut".
Ballistika has an undeniable advantage over us on the topic of intuition because, unlike us men, God has given women the gift of intuition immeasurably more than us men.

Isn't that why there are so few women in the Forex market?
In the early nineties there were not many women behind the wheel of a car so what's ahead in such a relatively new occupation for Russia as Forex is unknown

Vita 13.09.2007 10:38
Очень спорно. Приоткрыв завесу определения интуиции, вы сразу же переходите на территорию, где 
правит бал инстинкт. Неясно, насколько эти понятия для вас различны. Я, к примеру, вижу, что звери 
боятся огня инстинктивно, наличие опыта не требуется. Поэтому нахожу ваш пример с огнем веьсма 
неудачным. Более того, считаю, что человек сует руку в огонь, не потому что интуиция у него есть 
или нет, а потому что в отличие от зверей человек наделен свободной волей, выбором сунуть руку в 
огонь или нет. Природа (или бог) дали возможность человеку ошибаться. У зверей такой возможности нет. 
Звери не проверяют насколько горячь огонь, они его избегают согласно своим инстинктам. 
Инстинкт - одернуть руку от горячего, подкреплённый практикой не представляется мне интуицией.
Judging by what you wrote back to me - you've only read the first two sentences of my post.But I'll - once again - clarify what you DO NOT UNDERSTAND...

The example of fire is more than specific. Who said that man is a MUD... That man is the King of Nature? Man himself said it about himself ... If you cannot praise yourself, no one can. Nature is smarter and wiser than man. What people learn for many years, nature uses from birth. Read "Inexorable Planet" by Garrison... It is a man who lives in a constant STATE OF WAR, not HARMONY. A man is a destroyer... Nature will soon erase the whole human race from its face, the face of the Earth...I will not say that Ray Bradbury is a brilliant writer (it was for 300 pages that he thought that it is necessary to live in harmony with nature, and many science-fiction writers hold ideas in short stories on 25-30 pages, they have enough space to maneuver their ideas). After all, nature adapts to the environment and a man adapts the environment for himself. This is the whole conflict.

Remember the film "Adventures of Electronics"... There STAMP (Basov) asked Uri (Karachentsev), "Uri, where is his BUTTON?

to which Uri the gangster replied: "He has NO BUTTON... You have to CONNECT with him..." Look - a child's film - but a lot of wisdom in these simple words...

About that the person is MUD in that is CAPABLE TO KNOW... I am ready to bet... "Evil intention is poison for high merits... With the help of mind it only creates Evil... A high mind applied to low aims deserves contempt... Mind without prudence is DOUBLE NECESSITY".

The Holy Spirit is given to man only, not to Elevate above all, but to live together in this world wisely and not to be either predatory or sacrificial. Many people would like to have the ability of Jesus Christ, but none of them wants to be crucified on the Cross ...

When Noah (already floating on waves in an Ark) talked to God and asked "Lord... You gave a man abilities to know, create, destroy and create... Why for his deeds using abilities GENERATED by You, YOU KILLED HIM?"...To which God replied: "In addition to that, I gave man an understanding - of what is GOOD and what is Evil... And people made their choice. And I - just acted according to it. Destroyed sinners.

Professionals built Titanic, and amateurs built Ark.

Nothing has changed since then... Only WORKING tools have evolved... Remember the movie "Lord of War"? Remember how Nicolas Cage's character said at the end of the movie, "Earth will be inherited by those who traded weapons... Everyone else will be just busy killing each other.

Everything changes - as it is rightly believed - and a green sprout pierces the rock.

Only the sun is still setting in the West and the East has not yet moved anywhere.

And people, though they've seen little good, are just as gullible as they were in the old days.

Just the same - they look on the Past carelessly and consider any war to be the last.

EQUALLY - all believe in their own Exceptionality, marveling that there IS NO EVIDENCE OF THAT.

Without deceit, all the same cannot think of reality and all the same - go to the firing squad and to prison.

Only time FLESTS... From movement, from swiftness, everybody gets carried away... Sometimes not only me

And the difference between a shot and a shot is greater than the difference between today and yesterday...

Quote "The instinct - to take your hand away from the hot - backed by practice - does not seem to me intuitive."

I already wrote that intuition is a human ability to react not to some abstraction, and to a definite category (manifestation of something or other), but without possessing on this event reliable (in our understanding) information. ... And I will say so - any EVENT has properties - frequency, sound (ultrasound), smell, intensity ... You can list many things ... and when a person has learned (unconsciously for himself) feel again and again what he ALWAYS faces, he does not ask himself a question - WHY he feels like that ... He just REAGERS ... I'll tell you from my own experience - I know the "smell" of death, danger, I feel people (by the vibration of their body - when a man is lying, afraid, HOLY ...) So I - based on this gut feeling - behave appropriately. And I am so smart - not by nature ... I just had to live through a certain (now that's how it's called) extreme, after which I just keep using my early acquired and opened abilities in myself... You should agree - until you tune up your guitar - it doesn't sound...The same way intuition is nothing else but ONE of SETTINGS of the set of strings one has in a man, but still hanging as a garland and dragging this bunch behind himself, often not realizing that one can set it up and enjoy playing with the instrument he owns, instead of running after those who have already "tuned up" and constantly asking them "Well, play it for me, I want to listen"...

It's the same - both in society, and in families ... In what environment man enters, with what (or - who) associated their lives, who (or - what) how it affects - and so he opens up to himself and others, or vice versa - will wither away, like a flower on a window sill. When we do under the influence of chance circumstances, then more and more away from what we really want.

Everyone knows that many diamonds are mined in Africa... For example, in Angola... A stone is dug out from the crater of an extinct volcano (high-pressure zone) - and it is "so-so" - nothing to see... It is sent to Holland, where a jeweler polishes it and adds a cut... The stone turns into a brilliant and - GLEAM....No - STRENGTHENED... But in fact, nothing has changed. It is NATURE that gives the gist, and we only observe its manifestation. The jeweler only opened for us the inner substance of the stone... He did not add anything to the existing. He only set it up correctly - and the stone started to "sound"...

"Nature and art, material and creation. Even beauty must be helped. Even beautiful appears ugly if not embellished with art, which removes flaws and polishes virtues. Nature throws us to our fate - let us resort to art. Without art the perfect nature remains imperfect. Who has no culture - he has half as much virtue. From a man who has not passed a good school, always reeks of rudeness. He needs to grind himself, striving for perfection in everything.

I repeat what I said before. I - the enemy of any analyst ... Here, intuition will not help - just FOREX - is everywhere and nowhere ... React intuitively - just NOT TO WHAT ... Therefore, I work purely mechanically ... Closed ONE ORDER - opened the OTHER ...Thank God - I see what these intervals depend on and have time to react IMMEDIATELY to changes occurring on the screen ... Work - hands, eyes and head ... Here is the MTS.


Ballistika, you have very interesting and informative posts, but by God, why scream like that? There are other means of highlighting text for that... And it would be a good idea to use the emphasis itself more sparingly - so that you don't flinch too often when stumbling over the highlighting.


Vita 13.09.2007 10:38
Очень спорно. Приоткрыв завесу определения интуиции, вы сразу же переходите на территорию, где 
правит бал инстинкт. Неясно, насколько эти понятия для вас различны. Я, к примеру, вижу, что звери 
боятся огня инстинктивно, наличие опыта не требуется. Поэтому нахожу ваш пример с огнем веьсма 
неудачным. Более того, считаю, что человек сует руку в огонь, не потому что интуиция у него есть 
или нет, а потому что в отличие от зверей человек наделен свободной волей, выбором сунуть руку в 
огонь или нет. Природа (или бог) дали возможность человеку ошибаться. У зверей такой возможности нет. 
Звери не проверяют насколько горячь огонь, они его избегают согласно своим инстинктам. 
Инстинкт - одернуть руку от горячего, подкреплённый практикой не представляется мне интуицией.
Judging from what you wrote back to me - you've only read the first two sentences of my post.But I'll - once again - clarify what you DO NOT UNDERSTAND...

The example of fire is more than specific. Who said that man is a MUD... That man is the King of Nature? Man himself said it about himself ... If you cannot praise yourself, no one can. Nature is smarter and wiser than man. What people learn for many years, nature uses from birth. Read "Inexorable Planet" by Garrison... It is a man who lives in a constant STATE OF WAR, not HARMONY. A man is a destroyer... Nature will soon erase the entire human race from its face - the face of the Earth...I will not say that Ray Bradbury is a brilliant writer (it was for 300 pages that he thought that it is necessary to live in harmony with nature, and many science-fiction writers hold ideas in short stories on 25-30 pages, they have enough space to maneuver their ideas). After all, nature adapts to the environment and a man adapts the environment for himself. This is the whole conflict.

Remember the film "Adventures of Electronics"... There STAMP (Basov) asked Uri (Karachentsev), "Uri, where is his BUTTON?

to which Uri the gangster replied: "He has NO BUTTON... You have to CONNECT with him..." Look - a child's film - but a lot of wisdom in these simple words...

About that the person is MUD in that is CAPABLE TO KNOW... I am ready to bet... "Evil intention is poison for high merits... With the help of mind it only creates Evil... A high mind applied to low aims deserves contempt... Mind without prudence is DOUBLE NECESSITY".

The Holy Spirit is given to man only, not to Elevate above all, but to co-exist wisely in this world and not to be either predatory or sacrificial. Many people would like to have the ability of Jesus Christ, but none of them wants to be crucified on the Cross ...

When Noah (already floating on waves in an Ark) talked to God and asked "Lord... You gave a man abilities to know, create, destroy and create... Why for his deeds using abilities GENERATED by You, YOU KILLED HIM?"...To which God replied: "In addition to that, I gave man an understanding - of what is GOOD and what is Evil... And people made their choice. And I - just acted according to it. Destroyed sinners.

Professionals built Titanic, and amateurs built Ark.

Nothing has changed since then... Only WORKING tools have evolved... Remember the movie "Lord of War"? Remember how Nicolas Cage's character said at the end of the movie, "Earth will be inherited by those who traded weapons... Everyone else will be just busy killing each other.

Everything changes - as it is rightly believed - and a green sprout pierces the rock.

Only the sun is still setting in the West and the East has not yet moved anywhere.

And people, though they've seen little good, are just as gullible as they were in the old days.

Just the same, they look on the past carelessly and think it's the last war.

EQUALLY - all believe in their own Exceptionality, marveling that there IS NO WAY TO CONTROL THAT

Without deceit, all the same cannot think of reality and all the same - go to the firing squad and to prison.

Only time FLESTS... From movement, from swiftness, everybody gets carried away... Sometimes not only me

And the difference between a shot and a shot is greater than the difference between today and yesterday...

Quote "The instinct - to take your hand away from the hot - backed by practice - does not seem to me intuitive."

I've already written that intuition is a human ability to react not to some abstraction, but to a definite category (manifestation of something), but without possessing reliable (in our understanding) information about this event. ... And I will say so - any EVENT has properties - frequency, sound (ultrasound), smell, intensity ... You can list many things ... and when a person has learned (unconsciously for himself) feel again and again what he ALWAYS faces, he does not ask himself a question - WHY he feels like that ... He just REAGREES ... I'll tell you from my own experience - I know the "smell of death", danger, I feel people (floor vibration of their body - when a man is lying, afraid, HOLY ...) So I - based on this gut feeling - behave appropriately. And I am so smart - not by nature... I just had to live through a certain extreme, after which I simply continue to use my early acquired and found in Myself abilities...You'll agree - until you tune up a guitar - it CANNOT SOUND...As well as intuition - is nothing else but ONE of SETTINGS of strings, which are in a man, but so far still hanging garland and a man drags this bunch, often not realizing that it can be set up and enjoy life from playing on his own instrument, instead of running after those who are already "tuned" and constantly asking them "well, play me, I want to listen" ...

I repeat what I said earlier. I - the enemy of any analyst ... Here, intuition will not help - just FOREX - it is everywhere and nowhere ... React intuitively - just NOT TO WHAT ... Therefore, I work purely mechanically ... Closed ONE ORDER - opened the OTHER ...Thank God - I see what these intervals depend on and have time to react IMMEDIATELY to changes occurring on the screen ... Work - hands, eyes and head ... Here is the MTS.

Balistica, no offence. :)))) brevity is the sister of talent. ;-)

Balistica, don't listen to anyone, write more. I haven't read anything in 7 years - I wasn't interested, now I'm reading:-)
NYROBA 13.09.2007 15:10
Балистика, тока без обид.:)))  краткость - сестра таланта.  ;-)
Dear NIROBA.... I do not say (I do not insist) that brevity is my Sister... Really So - do not understand... Especially - I do not consider myself a talent... But I have an opinion about myself and I, unlike many outsiders - too well know myself... I personally stick to the tactic - until I was asked - I do not pry into other people's monasteries with my "authoritative opinion"... I do not remember that I personally asked YOU an opinion about me? I remember that no... And do not spoil my (still - a good) opinion about YOU ... Apparently - you're young (sorry if not)... And I - if I react on the forum on the CONTENT of the post, I never discuss the AUTHOR... I do not "break" anyone for himself - and do not allow others to "break" themselves - ... This is - MRAINESS ... I suppose... I don't need to react to such tricks (like brevity). I don't care... And I'll answer all my future critics (not only those who criticize me, but everyone who they try to DISCUSS or DISCUSS) - don't show your bullshit... If you don't respect US, at least respect YoursELF.