Gentlemen developers, when will there be a withdrawal to Russian e-wallets Qiwi-wallet and Yandex-money? - page 9

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Oh, is it possible to transfer to Euroset from VM? I have a Kukuruza card from them too. Interesting, I have to look it up.
I do not know if it is possible to transfer. But here is one of the most accessible ways to send a passport scan to the Yad - Euroset. I didn't say a word about vm related to Euroset ;)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Oh, you can transfer to Euroset from VM? I have a Kukuruza card from them too. Interesting, I have to look for information.

While I was looking, I found another interesting one

Вывод денег с Webmoney на карту мгновенно и без комиссии
Вывод денег с Webmoney на карту мгновенно и без комиссии
  • 2015.11.12
12.11.2015 Вывод денег с Webmoney на карту мгновенно и без комиссии Многие фрилансеры и люди, которые работают в Интернете, часто задаются вопросом, как минимизировать комиссии при выводе денег с электронного кошелька Webmoney на пластиковую карту банка и при этом не попасть на большие суммы. Несмотря на относительную дороговизну метода...
Artyom Trishkin:
I don't know if it's possible to transfer. But here's one of the most affordable ways to send a passport scan to Yad - Euroset. I didn't say a word about vm related to Euroset ;)
Ah, misunderstood ))) But found another way, read the post above
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Ah, misunderstood ))) But I found another way, read the post above

There are a lot of conventions for cards.

You could do this:

transfer via Contact or Lider, etc. for 1-1.2% (+0.8% webmoney)

Receive cash in the nearest bank (choose in advance) in 1-2 hours.

I did so on Friday through the "Gold Crown" (1% +0.8%).

If I don't want to feed the intermediaries at all with web money and other pads. There are reliable Visa and Master. Why can't I withdraw money from the website (which is a solid company, unlike various kitchens)?
can i make a withdrawal to pypall to a ruble account only? and what is the conversion rate? has anyone done this?
Edem Islyamov:
i wonder if it's possible to withdraw to pypall to a ruble account only? and what is the conversion rate? has anyone done this?

You can, at the exchange rate of pipal on the day of withdrawal, but their exchange rate is always low. and it takes 5 days to transfer from pipal

Oleg Dubov:
If I don't want to feed the intermediaries at all with web money and other pads. There are reliable Visa and Master. Why can't I withdraw money from the site (which is a reputable company, and not like various kitchens)?
I understand that MQ is not a broker, but all the same. I understand that MQ is not a broker but still. I have seen several brokers with card withdrawal, but there are such commissions!!! Also wondering what the financial hitch is here.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I've seen a few brokers with card withdrawals, but they charge so much! I also wonder what the financial hitch is here.
The bankers also want to eat, that is why the commissions are large. If I withdraw money from the broker to the card with 2.9% +50 RUR, I get the same commission. In my opinion, if you run through a payment system (webmoney for example), and then from there to the card as well and will come out on commission.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Bankers also want to eat, which is why the commissions are so high. If I withdraw money from my broker to my card, I get 2.9% +50 roubles. In my opinion, if you run through a payment system (webmani, for example), and then from there to the card, the same thing and will come out on commission.
That's right. Sometimes I got into drawdowns. And sometimes I would lose all of 30,000 rubles.