Gentlemen developers, when will there be a withdrawal to Russian e-wallets Qiwi-wallet and Yandex-money?

Webman has a lot of complications with attestation, the limit for formal ones is very small. Pipal - well, there are no brokers who work with Pipal and Russia seems to have been switched off. And ePayment - there are no brokers for funding accounts either.
Alexander Ivanov:
I have a lot of problems with attestation in webman, the limit for formal ones is very small. Pipal- well, there are no brokers who work with Pipal. And ePayment, there are no brokers for deposits, either.

What are the difficulties with webman - no passport or ten dollars for attestation?

WebMoney Passport
WebMoney Passport
В настоящее время в системе WebMoney реализовано два способа получения персонального аттестата: После личной встречи с одним из Регистраторов из приведенного ниже списка; По нотариально заверенным документам. Регистраторы, уполномоченные принимать такие документы по почте обозначены в списке значком

Considering that WebMoney has not withdrawn for 5 days - the question is highly relevant

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Considering that WebMoney has not withdrawn for 5 days - the question is highly relevant

What is the reason?
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Considering that WebMoney has not withdrawn for 5 days - the question is highly relevant

Something like this has not happened yet. Today I wanted to transfer it to a broker - I will report back.
Alexander Ivanov:
In my opinion, it's long overdue for a withdrawal from e-wallets. Pipal - well, there are no brokers working with Pipal and it seems that Russia has been shut down. And ePayment, too, has no brokers for funding accounts.

The topic has already been raised

In my opinion, VISA withdrawal is long overdue ....

E-wallets cannot be used in shops or petrol stations...

Хотите ли дебитные карты от нашего сервиса для оплаты, снятий заработанного в банкоматах и тд?
Хотите ли дебитные карты от нашего сервиса для оплаты, снятий заработанного в банкоматах и тд?
Нет, я продавец, у меня оборот больше 3000$ и лучше сделайте вывод на банковский счет. - - Категория: общее обсуждение
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Something like this has not happened yet. Wanted to transfer to a broker today - will report back.
From the official website of WM:
The Central Bank has checked KKB (one of the settlement banks in Russia) and this check is long over. Based on the results of the inspection, the Central Bank issued recommendations to KKB to improve its work with WebMoney instruments to prevent misuse.
According to those recommendations KKB demanded from some clients to change their interaction scheme, what is happening now (in particular, the order of WM title units purchase and sale with input-output to the bank accounts for legal entities is changing ).
The transition to the new procedure will be made in the near future.

The money hangs around and you can't even pay for a phone. There may be wallet to wallet WM, but there is no way out in the real world yet

A normal alternative to WM (or a backup) is simply vital.

Информация, полученная Банком России в ходе проводимых проверок, а также информация о результатах таких проверок | Банк России
26.02.2016 года завершена плановая тематическая проверка кредитной организации АО Банк "ККБ" (регистрационный номер кредитной организации 1087) (414040, г. Астрахань, ул. Адмиралтейская, 47 ). Результаты проверок будут учтены Банком...
Maxim Kuznetsov:
From official site WM:

The money hangs around and you can't even pay for a phone. There may be wallet to wallet WM, but there is no way out in the real world yet

A normal alternative to WM (or a fallback) is simply vital.

Just translated on phone Megaphone 15 rubles, all ok. The certificate personal.
Server Muradasilov:

What's the problem with webmane - no passport or ten dollars for attestation?

I sent a scan of my passport to webmoney. I also have to find someone in the city or something, meet etc.. I do not even have a propiska, I came here from the tundra. I rent in town. I'm still waiting for a letter from webmasters.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Just transferred 15 roubles to a Megaphone phone, all ok. The certificate is personal.
How did you get a personal certificate?
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Considering that WebMoney has not withdrawn for 5 days - the question is highly relevant

Withdrawn in a few minutes yesterday, maybe they are not the problem