How do you explain this magic of numbers? - page 2

Ivan Vagin:
I don't know about you, but I am a soul :-)
Your statement defies logic, because a concept can only have one definition, and you have equated a philosophical concept with a personal pronoun :)
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Your statement defies logic because a concept can only have one definition and you have equated a philosophical concept and a personal pronoun :)
Logic is a primitive meat brain mechanism :-) Do you want to realise your self ?

A related question about the numbers.

A couple of days ago a customer sent me an indicator, built an owl with it and handed it over, but the indicator itself remains a mystery to me.

What is the calculation in it, or are the numbers from a "torch", if anyone can - explain in more detail:

And the code itself

#property  copyright "whoever"
#property  link      "whatever"

#property  indicator_separate_window
#property  indicator_buffers 7
#property   indicator_color1  Gold
#property   indicator_color2  LimeGreen
#property   indicator_color3  Red
#property   indicator_width1  2
#property   indicator_width2  2
#property   indicator_width3  2
extern int period=35;
extern int smooth=10; 

double ExtBuffer0[];
double ExtBuffer1[];
double ExtBuffer2[];
double ExtBuffer3[];
double ExtBuffer4[];
double ExtBuffer5[];
double ExtBuffer6[];

#define  LinesIdentifier "signalLines"
int init()

   IndicatorShortName("Solar wind joy");
int deinit()
   int lookForLength = StringLen(LinesIdentifier);
   for (int i=ObjectsTotal(); i>=0; i--)
         string name = ObjectName(i);
         if (StringSubstr(name,0,lookForLength)==LinesIdentifier) ObjectDelete(name);

int start()
 int    limit;
 double Value=0,Value1=0,Fish=0;
 double price;
 double MinL=0;
 double MaxH=0;  

   for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)  { 
     MaxH = High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,period,i)];
     MinL = Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,period,i)];
     price = (High[i]+Low[i])/2;
     Value = 0.33*2*((price-MinL)/(MaxH-MinL)-0.5) + 0.67*Value1;     
     Value = MathMin(MathMax(Value,-0.999),0.999); 
      if (ExtBuffer0[i]>0) ExtBuffer1[i]=10; else ExtBuffer1[i]=-10;      
   for(i=limit; i>=0; i--)
      double sum  = 0;
      double sumw = 0;

      for(int k=0; k<smooth && (i+k)<Bars; k++)
         double weight = smooth-k;
                sumw  += weight;
                sum   += weight*ExtBuffer1[i+k];  
      if (sumw!=0)
            ExtBuffer2[i] = sum/sumw;
      else  ExtBuffer2[i] = 0;
   for(i=0; i<=limit; i++)
      sum  = 0;
      sumw = 0;

      for(k=0; k<smooth && (i-k)>=0; k++)
         weight = smooth-k;
                sumw  += weight;
                sum   += weight*ExtBuffer2[i-k];
      if (sumw!=0)
            ExtBuffer3[i] = sum/sumw;
      else  ExtBuffer3[i] = 0;
   for(i=limit; i>=0; i--)
      if (ExtBuffer3[i]>0) ExtBuffer4[i]=ExtBuffer3[i];
      if (ExtBuffer3[i]<0) ExtBuffer5[i]=ExtBuffer3[i];
Ivan Vagin:
Logic is a primitive meat brain mechanism :-) Do you want to realise your self?
Wait, wait... so we are not guided by logic now? logic is the relationship between concepts. I am aware of my Self as a pronoun, i.e. I occupy a certain place in space, what does this have to do with the soul? )
Vitaly Muzichenko:

A related question about the numbers.

A couple of days ago a customer sent me an indicator, built an owl with it and handed it over, but the indicator itself remains a mystery to me.

What is the calculation in it, or are the numbers from a "torch", if anyone can - explain in more detail:

And the code itself

Most likely has to do with Fibonacci/Golden Ratios!
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Wait, wait... so we are not guided by logic now? logic is the relationship between concepts. I am aware of my Self as a pronoun, i.e. I occupy a certain place in space, what has the soul got to do with it? )

Never had to communicate with a pronoun :-) usually with spiritual beings I try :-)

Logic is a rougher mechanism than intuition, intuitive thinking is many orders of magnitude ahead of logical chains, I will say more, intuition is a natural way of human thinking.

Why people cannot use intuition to its full capacity is another question (if roughly, they are bewitched :-)), but that's how it is....

Vitaly Muzichenko:

A related question about the numbers.

A couple of days ago a customer sent me an indicator, built an owl with it and handed it over, but the indicator itself remains a mystery to me.

What is the calculation in it, or are the numbers from a "torch", if anyone can - explain in more detail:

And the code itself.

Something like WPR processed using Fisher Transform.

Turned out better than I ever did.

A glimpse into the future. Although you have to check it out.

Ivan Vagin:

Never had to communicate with a pronoun :-) usually with spiritual beings I try :-)

Logic is a rougher mechanism than intuition, intuitive thinking is many orders of magnitude ahead of logical chains, I will say more, intuition is a natural way of human thinking.

Why people cannot use intuition to the fullest extent is another question, but that's how it is....

Well, intuition differs from logic in grasping certain insights without analyzing the relationships. So-called a priori knowledge that is accessible by direct contemplation of an object or event. It is a normal function of the brain. Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason described it all. That is, if you do not determine something logically, you are guided by intuition. What has the soul got to do with it?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Well, intuition differs from logic in snatching up a certain understanding without analysing the relationships. So-called a priori knowledge, which is available by direct contemplation of an object or event. It is a normal function of the brain. Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason described it all. That is, if you do not determine something logically, you are guided by intuition. What's the soul got to do with it?
I don't think so, it seems to me that there is understanding here with analysis of all interrelations at a very, very, very enormous speed - if we take as a hypothesis the possibility of connection of I to the "cloud computing power of the universe" :-)
Victor Nikolaev:

Something like WPR processed using the Fisher Transform.

It turned out better than I ever did.

There's a glimpse of the future. Although you have to check it out.

Well, the signals sometimes give very good quality, as for looking into the future I have my doubts)