Decision-making error - page 10

George Merts:

No way. A trading virtuoso enters the market exactly when his TS indicates. If the TS is on the daily charts - then by the opening of a daily candle, and whatever is the "accuracy" there, and on М1 or М5 - he does not even look. If TS is on ticks - the entry is made again, on the appropriate tick, and the accuracy here does not play a role.

The size of SL does not indicate the "accuracy of entry", because it is necessary to consider the percentage of winning trades. I saw a TS, in which only one trade out of ten won (but it compensated all losing trades). Do you think an entry that is correct only once out of ten is highly accurate?

We are not talking about TS, but about the accuracy of entering one trade. If the trader has few such trades, it means that he has not yet reached the virtuoso skill).
A stop is an incentive to find a more accurate entry point. If the exact entry point is found, the stop can be very small. The size of the stop is a measure of the accuracy of the entry. If you have a stop of 100 pips, then you have found an entry point with 100 pips accuracy. A trading virtuoso finds an entry point with an accuracy of 10 pips or less, and makes a final decision to enter on M1 or M5.

Of course you're right...Everyone decides for himself...:)

Some people use the old-fashioned way with their feet...:)

Some rely on new and progressive methods.

You don't play poker...?

Cards 2 through 9, as well as their combinations, until recently among professionals considered trash!

But the paradox is that it was not :) And now there is a lot of money coming out of the Trash:)

At the head of everything is RATIONALITY. We've been told for a long time that the market has no BOTTOM! It turns out there is a BOT:)))

It cannot not be for many reasons, political, economic, etc. ... As soon as one of the players in the market

violates the moral and ethical rules of the trade (In this case China) its very mildly brought to the proper norm :)

It was the case recently with the Swiss franc, it will be the same with the yuan :) In other words, no matter where we place our order,

sooner or later the market will come to exactly where you entered... And if we choose the right entry point the STOP is essentially unnecessary,

because it's an irrational loss... Just a new strategy, that's all:)


It's not about the TS here, but specifically about the accuracy of entering in one trade. If a trader has few of such deals, it means he has not yet reached a virtuoso skill).

I disagree.

Here, take two options with equal profits:

One entry, it gives an SL 90% of the time. But 10% of the time it gives a profit that covers the entire loss.

And the other entry - it gives a profit 90% of the time, but 10% of the SL wipes out almost all profits earned on profitable trades.

Where is the "more accurate" entry ?

Actually, the "virtuosity" of a trader is not to have a "small SL", but to consistently trade in profit.

Evgeni Usenko:

And if we choose the right entry point the STOP is essentially unnecessary,

And if we choose the right entry point the STOP is not needed in fact, because it's an irrational loss ... just a new strategy, nothing more :)

Stop is needed in ANY case, precisely because it is very rational - it is a loss that is taken in order not to make an even bigger loss. Calling it "irrational" is silly to say the least.

George Merts:

I disagree.

Here, take two options with equal profits:

One entry, it gives an SL 90% of the time. But 10% of the time it gives a profit that covers the entire loss.

And the other entry - it gives a profit 90% of the time, but 10% of the SL wipes out almost all profits earned on profitable trades.

Where is the "more accurate" entry ?

Actually, the "virtuosity" of a trader is not to have a "small SL", but to consistently trade in profit.

A stop is needed in ANY case, precisely because it is very rational - it is a loss that is taken in order not to make an even bigger loss. To call it "irrational" is silly, to say the least.

Even a bit of a smile... :)))

You're contradicting yourself ... If you put an order and you're confident in your decision, why do you need a stop? You've already guaranteed yourself a profit, because you've placed that order.)

Trading without stops makes 100% profit with a little bit of experience and skill:)))))))))))))))))))))) On my page you will find two signals, it's all clear...............:)

Evgeni Usenko:

That's a bit of a smile... :)))

You're contradicting yourself... If you put an order and you're sure of your decision, why do you need a stop? You've already guaranteed yourself a profit when you put the order :)

Trading without stops makes 100% profit with a little bit of experience and skill:)))))))))))))))))))))) On my page you will find two signals, everything is clear there...............:)

I am not contradicting anything. Where is it written that I "guaranteed" profit ? I have guaranteed that my maximum loss in one trade will not exceed the SL value. That's why SL is absolutely necessary.

And about "profit 100%" - I've seen a lot of them here before... Everyone who trades without stops always lose.

Unless the stop is veiled - locking is used instead, or exit with a loss. All of these are the same stops. I've never seen a trade without them.

Your signals are counting chickens in the autumn.

George Merts:

I am not contradicting anything. Where is it written that I "guaranteed" profit? I have guaranteed that my maximum loss in a single trade will not exceed the SL. That's why SL is absolutely necessary.

And about "profit 100%" - there were a lot of those here already... Everyone who trades without stops always lose.

Unless the stop is veiled - locking is used instead, or exit with a loss. All of these are the same stops. I have never seen a single trade without them.

Your signals are like counting chickens in the fall.

So why do I succeed, and you don't? Isn't it a logical question...? ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm not hiding behind myths, everything on my page is clear, transparent and understandable:)))

That is, there is a result:))) And it's not the result of one day, week or month:)))

If you've read the relevant literature, you must have encountered the most popular phrase in TRADING:)!

"There is no wrong or right trade, there is a RESULT" :))) Do you have a result...?? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Evgeni Usenko:

"There is no wrong or right trade, there is a RESULT" :))) Do you have a result...?? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I do. It's not pretty enough to put it out as signals. And I don't see the point of making pennies on signals or selling EAs...

You trade without stops - well, good luck. Let's see what happens in a year.

George Merts:

I disagree.

Here, take two options with equal profits:

One entry, it gives an SL 90% of the time. But 10% of the time it gives a profit that covers the entire loss.

And the other entry - it gives a profit 90% of the time, but 10% of the SL wipes out almost all profits earned on profitable trades.

Where is the "more accurate" entry ?

Actually, the "virtuosity" of a trader is not to have a "small SL", but to consistently trade in profit.

A stop is needed in ANY case, precisely because it is very rational - it is a loss that is taken in order not to make an even bigger loss. To call it "irrational" is silly, to say the least.

Well, there are a lot of ways to make money on Forex. You can trade differently, and every rabbit talks about his own swamp. As for your two options, I do not like them both. Why should I choose between them? I prefer the option with accurate entry, small stop and big take profit. I can't say I'm good at it, but you should always imagine for yourself an ideal to strive for.
Well, there are a lot of ways to make money on the Forex market. You can trade in different ways, and everyone praises his own swamp. As for your two options, I don't like them both. Why should I choose between them? I prefer the option with accurate entry, small stop and big take profit. I can't say I'm good at it, but you should always imagine for yourself an ideal to strive for.

This is where the conversation started:))) Making sure your order is in the right place...

And even if the market has gone in the wrong direction, it will certainly return to your order, where you will have the opportunity to close with a minimum profit:)

I specifically invited my opponent to my page to clearly demonstrate the actual result, rather than a verbal fornication :))).

Looks like he was not there:)))))))))))))))))

Evgeni Usenko:

This is where the conversation started:))) Making sure your order is placed in the right place...

And even if the market has gone in the wrong direction, it will certainly return to your order, where you will have the opportunity to close with a minimum profit:)

I specifically invited my opponent to my page to clearly demonstrate the actual result, rather than a verbal fornication :))).

Looks like he wasn't there:)))))))))))))))))

Are you OK if the price that went in the other direction will come back to you in a year, two ... 10 years? How many years are you willing to wait? Maybe, it is better to close with a small loss, if you made a mistake and open in the opposite direction, if it is a prerequisite. While the price may move for a long time before it returns, it is probably better to use the funds frozen in the losing order to make a profit, which will be several times higher than the loss due to a stop loss.