Make your first million - page 147

Alexander Laur:

That's not what I meant when I talked about publishing the results. :)

Why tease someone? Just an exchange of opinions (and the trades made by traders are the trader's opinion of the market).

Danya suggested a great topic/strategy/way to make money, you can call it whatever you want, the main thing is the goal! When a person has a goal, all his actions become subordinate to that goal. The goal of all who join this experiment will be the same, but the actions will be different. Daily publishing of trading results is a public display of actions taken by a trader. It is a kind of market brainstorming. By sharing trading results, we enrich each other with knowledge which will help each of us to assess market conditions in the future.

Apparently, I'm the only one so far who stays on topic (10% a day). This is my second attempt. The first attempt ended in a sinking, although I did gain 319% of my depo in the first 8 days.

Everyone understands that with such targets (10% EVERY day) the risks are extreme. So you have to risk an amount that everyone can easily lose. Open a cent account, deposit $5. With 500 cents deposit, try to get 5 000 000 cents for 97 days. :)

What you are suggesting is unrealistic! why all just all broker charts put together, does not give that volatility that would make 500 in 97 days make 5,000,000
Alexey Busygin:
What you are suggesting is unrealistic! why all just all the broker charts put together do not give that volatility that would make 500 in 97 days 5,000,000
Have you heard of compound interest?
Alexey Busygin:
What you are suggesting is unrealistic! why all just all the broker charts put together do not give that volatility that would make 500 in 97 days 5,000,000
Alexander Laur:

Apparently, I'm the only one so far who stays on topic (10% a day). This is my second attempt. The first attempt ended in failure, although in the first 8 days I have increased the depo to 319%.

Everyone understands that with such targets (10% EVERY day) the risks are extreme. So you have to risk an amount that everyone can easily lose. Open a cent account, deposit $5. With 500 cents deposit, try to get 5 000 000 cents in 97 days. :)

And what's the point of taking such risks?

I call it a guessing game. Just chiseling away, sinking "millions" like Danik did, in order to make the deposit go from $1 to $10 once a year? Or what is the use of it?

Danila is talking about a "diamond-eye", well, yes, if one has such an eye - there is a sense in trading. But, apparently, there are no people here with such an "eye-diamond". And then what is the point of the Danikovsky trade?

George Merts:

And what is the point of taking such risks?

I call this kind of trading a guessing-casino, just to "chisel" and drain "millions" like Danik, in order to "raise the deposit from $1 to $10" once a year? Or what is the use of it?

First year - from 1 to 10, second year - from 1 to 10, third year - from 1 to 1 000 000.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Year 1 - from 1 to 10, year 2 - from 1 to 10, year 3 - from 1 to 1,000,000.

Danik, don't forget that you have a hundred plums per run-up. That's why the first, second and third year - from $1 to $10 with -$100 on plums.

The question remains the same - what is the point ?

George Merts:

Danik, don't forget that you have a hundred plums per run-up. That's why the first, second and third year - from $1 to $10 with -$100 on plums.

The question is the same - what is the point?

1 000 000 - 100 = 999 900
Daniil Stolnikov:
1 000 000 - 100 = 999 900
It might be easier to play the lottery, the odds are the same, but the DC might not return the winnings))
Daniil Stolnikov:
1 000 000 - 100 = 999 900

Where's a million coming from? If you spent three years making $10 out of $1, and you blew $100?

Don't forget, you've already lost four million just in this thread. And how many that we don't know about?

Alexander Laur:

That's not what I meant when I talked about publishing the results. :)

Why tease someone? Just an exchange of opinions (and the trades made by traders are the trader's opinion of the market).

Danya suggested a great topic/strategy/way to make money, you can call it whatever you want, the main thing is the goal! When a person has a goal, all his actions become subordinate to that goal. The goal of all who join this experiment will be the same, but the actions will be different. Daily publishing of trading results is a public display of actions taken by a trader. It is a kind of market brainstorming. By sharing trading results, we enrich each other with knowledge which will help each of us to assess market conditions in the future.

Apparently, I'm the only one so far who stays on topic (10% a day). This is my second attempt. The first attempt ended in a sinking, although I did gain 319% of my depo in the first 8 days.

Everyone understands that with such targets (10% EVERY day) the risks are extreme. So you have to risk an amount that everyone can easily lose. Open a cent account, deposit $5. With 500 cents deposit, try to get 5 000 000 cents for 97 days. :)

Not 10 a day =) but with calm risks and a robot