Make your first million - page 50


Which pair and where does it go?

Probably shouldn't have asked, now the advice will come.

going into close only mode
Well, that's what I meant.

MMMbreath has an alligator's jaws type chart.

Something tells me that it will be difficult to close, MMMmoguch is not likely to make a million, but with a bit of luck, it might do so.


Which pair and where does it go?

Probably shouldn't have asked, now the advice will come.

Well, it's obvious where - the Eurasian is going down so far. But, as I said in the forecasts thread, there should be a reversal soon. Audi has already turned, by the looks of it.

MMMbreath has an alligator's jaws type chart.

Something tells me that it will be difficult to close, MMMmoguch is not likely to make a million, but with a bit of luck, it might do so.

That's a great comparison!

And I've been searching for the right epithet.
Don't put anything in your mouth!
Most probably I will not open today - I will work on the drawdown. So let's look at the percentage of equity gain.

Ta-rah. 50% drawdown. Five days to recover at 10%. By the end of the procedure we will have the initial deposit.

Good. It may happen as well. At the same time we should look for the error in the strategy...


Taak. 50% drawdown. Five days to recover at 10%. By the end of the procedure, we'll have a starting deposit.

That's good. It happens too. At the same time, we need to look for an error in the strategy...

There is no error. Typical drawdown with excess risk

A drawdown of 85%(was). We will tentatively arrive at the percentages available (plus or minus).
Day 6. Going forward:

Day 6. Let's keep going:

Has anything changed on day 6?